Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 20, 2015
![Cynthia Voelkl: Obese harasser of teachers who believe history is an objective science without a need to conform to fat women's emotions. [original image removed on copyright claim, replaced with likeness]](/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/pc5od9Xqi.jpg)
A vicious woman had complained.
Let’s look at the story first, then I’ll give you some info you can use to give the school, and this cow-creature, a piece of your mind.
That parent, Cynthia Voelkl, told The News-Gazette that she first heard about the World History teacher’s eccentric Holocaust beliefs from her son on April 1, after school.
She questioned whether her son, a freshman at Central, had been fooled into believing a “very distasteful April Fool’s joke.”
But, after contacting the teacher the next day, Voelkl said she was disappointed to discover it was no ruse.
“I know it’s a complicated issue, especially with laws about free speech, but I don’t think historical facts are a matter of opinion,” Voelkl said. “Teaching the Holocaust is not a part of the curriculum in this class, but he was standing there as a teacher talking to 14- and 15-year-olds. … So I felt it was really important to bring up.”
Oh, so he should have lied? Or he should be fired for his personal perspective on history, Ms. Fat?
Voelkl was particularly troubled to learn that the teacher told students the camps were used for relocating — and not killing — Jews, which she expressed in an email to Principal Joe Williams.
— In a separate exchange, the teacher explained his position on concentration camps to the upset mother.
He wrote: “These concentration camps were horrific places due to cruelty from the guards, little to no food, as well as extreme overcrowding that led to the rapid transmission of deadly diseases in those conditions, such as typhus.”
— In the same email, the teacher went on to tell Voelkl that what he shared with students was based on his “own study of the subject.” He wrote that he believes the Nazis’ placing scores of Jews in gas chambers was meant to rid them of lice, which helps spread deadly diseases.
I very much doubt that he said Jews were put inside gas chambers to rid them of lice. It is much more plausible that he said it was only their clothes that were put inside gas chambers to rid them of lice, which is what actually happened.
Neither Voelkl nor her husband, Ernie Blackwelder, is Jewish. But they both believe sharing those ideas in class was not only wrong, but a cause for “concern.”
School and district officials contacted by The News-Gazette wouldn’t go into specifics because it’s a personnel matter but they confirmed an incident occurred.
In an email exchange with Voelkl, however, Williams said he would “address” the situation.
Apparently, the bulbous Voelkl, who is proved an extreme feminist by the fact she doesn’t have her husband’s name, was not satisfied with the way the school was tormenting the poor honest teacher, and decided she would have to go to the press in order to fully ruin his life. she then gave the paper what we would have to assume should have been confidential emails.
Holocaust confirmers are not generally known for their moral fortitude, despite their constant declarations to the contrary.
“I think it’s frightening for our society to start erasing facts. Our society makes enough mistakes as it is, without trying to hide knowledge of what happened in our pretty recent past,” she said. “A teacher is a person of authority, and I know, for my son, it made him doubt everything else he has been taught by this teacher.
What “facts,” chubs? Present the evidence! Show that a single Jew was gassed! Give us an autopsy report!
There’s no place in any classroom for anti-establishment teachings about a historic event as tragic as the Holocaust, said Jessica Kopolow, Executive Director of the Champaign-Urbana Jewish Federation.
“It’s frustrating to hear and upsetting to hear. It’s disturbing to know that in this day and age, in 2015 with all the information we have, there are still people out there who profess it didn’t happen,” she said. “We could even have a debate on whether you can really even have an opinion about the Holocaust. There’s no question that this is something that happened.”
Oh but no, Madam Grease. We cannot have a debate. We are not allowed to have a debate. A debate is all we have ever asked for, but you filthy rats have refused us that, time and time again, and simply said that anyone who believes there should be a debate must be forcibly silenced, through legal action in Europe and by having their career destroyed here in the US.
If you are open for a debate, Ms. Kopolow, I would be happy to drive to Illinois and debate you any time you like. We can rent out a conference room and sell tickets – probably for a whole lot of money, since it isn’t every day a Jew offers to debate this hoax – 50/50 split on admissions profits, Jew.Support This Fine Man! Address the Situation, Trolls!

The teacher’s name has not been released, but I urge everyone to contact the school and show your disgust at their having apparently subjected this man to disiplinary action simply because he told students something he believed to be true.
The school’s phone number is (217) 351-3911 – ask to speak directly to Principal Joe Williams. Tell him you are shocked and disgusted by the idea of punishing a man for telling kids the truth. Also, keep saying “Listen, Joe, just answer me this: do you run a school or a communist Jewish brainwashing center?” over and over, and say you don’t want your kids to be brainwashed by Jewish communists and believe he may be incapable of running a school if he is so open and willing to bend to Jewish pressure.
Also, no matter what – you all must do this, either with your real email or, if you prefer, a fake email made at yandex – email the Principal and tell him what an outrage you believe this to be.
I would also attach the following email addresses to the message to the Principal – the rest of the administrative staff of the school:,,,,
The school’s official website is here.
You may also contact the beast Voelkl on her Facebook page or through her Twitter.
She also has a blog, which is literally called “The Sandwich Life.”

As always, be civil and do not say anything which could be construed as harassing, threatening or intimidating, simply state your mind.
We have to take a stand on issues like this, and this is hardly a difficult stand to take. Simply send a few emails, and the school will have to weigh our opinions. I also imagine we will be getting some local media attention for this.
Trolls, Assemble!
Spread this article around so that other activists can contribute!