Illusion Radio: Salting the Earth

Illusion Radio
December 26, 2016

On this episode, while the rest of the crew enjoys a Christmas-induced coma, Doc is joined by the good ol’ goys from the Salting the Earth podcast. Subjects discussed include the Jew controversy with Richard Spencer’s mom, the Berlin Christmas Market attack, a thorough debunking of the Russian “threat”, and a couple of George Lincoln Rockwell fantasies.

Vendetta: @VendettaVidame

Caerulus Rex: @Rex_Caerulus

Dr. Illusion: @DocIllusion

Hank Rearden: SHOAH’D

Mr. Fox: @dualkoondog

You can listen to Salting the Earth at

G.L. Rockwell Speech:

Thanks for listening, goys! Merry Christmas!
