So, I had one of the worst weeks of my life both IRL and on the site, which drove me to finally decide to take Sundays off and try to refresh. The first Sunday I meant to take off, I ended up not only not taking the day off, but staying up for 24 hours and spending virtually the entire time in front of the computer.
Because Donald Trump allegedly got shot in the ear.
The article I wrote about the thing was a 5,000-word mess, which contained a lot of really important parts, but had a lot of problems, and should not have been so long and ridiculous.
In the article, I wrote:
Here’s my thing: the CIA doesn’t miss.
Because that is my basic thesis here, I want to repeat it: the CIA doesn’t miss.
They certainly don’t miss from a perfect sniper perch that they have free access to.
Here’s the next mind-blower from your best parasocial friend, Mr. Andrew Anglin: if it was the CIA, they were aiming for his ear.
People then widely accused me of promoting an “aim for the ear” theory. It was actually intended as a hyperbolic statement to emphasize the ridiculousness of the CIA botching an assassination during a Secret Service stand down. I did not actually mean to say that the plan was to shoot his ear, and I think that was actually clear in context, even though there were very serious problems with that article.
I laid down for a bit and might have slept, I don’t know. But I have mostly been up since about 12 hours before the Trump shooting. I am going to be late for work tomorrow. I’m going to sleep as long as I can.
Although I never intended “aim for the ear” to be a real theory, I’ve rethought some of the article’s points. Others were spot on. I need to rewrite the article, cut it down to 1,500 words, and just lay out the basic logic, and explain that the details do not matter.
This is not that article. This is simply a warning that I’m going to be late tomorrow and a soft retraction of that 5,000-word disaster, which contains a lot of very important things but is also botched, with some of the basic sentence structures confusing.
In hindsight, I should have just went ahead and left a nonsense post about beards up as the top article after the Trump shooting. I was at my worst writing about something very difficult and very shocking. I think we are all in some kind of shock. You wouldn’t know it if you were, so don’t make a call on that, but this is the most shocking event of my life since the terrorist attacks of November 9th, 2001. It’s hard to wrap your head around.
Anyway, I’ll be fine to do it tomorrow.
But basically, I stand by the core arguments in the botched article. I believe there are only two possibilities:
- It was a fake attempted assassination intended to provide rocket fuel for Trump 2024 and his presidential mandate by turning him into Caesar, orchestrated by some intelligence agency, or
- It was a “lone gunman” and the Secret Service purposefully, maliciously stood down
There are so, so many different details to argue within those two possible explanations for the event. Just as an example, it’s not clear to me that Trump was shot at all. I don’t think that has been proven. In the case of an SS stand down, it seems likely the kid would have had to have been groomed by someone for the order for the SS stand down to be given.
But, as the now memed “aim for the ear” statement was intended to communicate, no intelligence agency could botch an assassination with a Secret Service stand down. That is not possible. I have also ruled out SS incompetence. They had a bead on the shooter for at least 3 minutes. Someone had to have told them not to shoot him. It is not possible that was incompetence. It would have to be on purpose.
One thing I do want to explicitly retract is the percentage chances I implied. I don’t want to imply that either of those things is more likely than the other. At least not right now. I simply want to establish that those are the only two options.
Honestly, it doesn’t really matter very much what happened. People have been arguing over the Kennedy assassinations for six decades. It’s likely that people will be arguing over the Trump shooting six decades from now.
The thing that matters is the effects of this, and the effects are exactly what I said they were going to be; none of that is being retracted. Trump will “win” the election, and he will be the Israel First candidate. Most likely, this will mean boots on the ground in Iran (assuming there is no way to maximize pressure and force regime change in Iran without an Iraq-style invasion of the country).
I’m going to say this again tomorrow (this was just meant to be a short note about tomorrow’s essay and now it’s turning into the essay itself), but I want to say that when I saw this image:
My lizard brain said “where is the nearest recruitment office? We need to immediately go sign up for the military and go get our limbs blown off in a war for Israel.”
That image is more powerful than this image:
Again, I’m going to say this again tomorrow (you’re probably reading this “tomorrow,” because it’s 10 PM EST right now), but just ask yourself: which thing do (mostly rural and/or southern, fit, young) white boys care more about: 3,000 rando Jews in New York City, or Donald Trump?
You all know the answer.
You all understand exactly what I am saying. And you all know that all of the Israeli money, as well as huge amounts of domestic Jew money (following October 7th), is behind Donald Trump. You know that the Jews threw Biden under the bus.
We all know what is going on here. It’s not complicated.
It’s incredibly tragic.
But it’s not a mystery.
If you were stupid, you wouldn’t be reading this website. You are all my personal parasocial friends, and you are very smart. So if you are not following exactly what I am saying right here, you are experiencing denialism, which, during the Illness Revelations, I identified as the most powerful force of protection of self identity that exists in the human psyche.
Most of you were (or still are) teenagers, and you felt the sexual love emotion towards a woman. And probably, she went and fucked some other dude.
That’s what Donald Trump has done to America.
My Brother in Christ, my heart is just as broken as yours is.
But we are men. We are not little boys. We face reality and we deal with reality, as men, created in the image of God.
Things just got real weird, and they’re about to get weirder.
A great man once said “when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”
My new version is: “when the going gets weird, my brother in Christ, buy a Hilux.”