I’m Seeing Like, A Pattern Here

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer 
December 10, 2017

The justice system is going to collapse completely.

Women and brown people will convict you of things you did not do and let their own off for things they did do.

The concept of “jury of your peers” was formulated under the assumption that you would have peers.

That black guy who Bob Dylann wrote the song “Hurricane” probably actually didn’t commit that murder he got sent to prison for. It’s happened to other blacks too.

White people actually do care about justice and don’t want to just send a black person to prison because they’re black. But even still, in the 1960s – when people knew the deal with the blacks – it was easy to just be like “I’m having a hard time believing this nigger.”

The brown people we have in our country now do not even present a pretext of caring about justice. They just want us punished for who we are.

I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be put in front of a jury of brown people.