Immigrants Required to Give Social Media Accounts to Get Visa

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 31, 2018

Methinks this is the work of /ouryid/ Stephen Miller.

He keeps coming up with these clever Jewy ways to kike over the immigrants.

Because what this does – the only thing it actually does – is just throw in a hugely complicated and confusing step into the visa application process.

Fox News:

The State Department is expected to publish a set of proposals Friday that would require some tourists and immigrants to provide information on their social media accounts before visiting the U.S., The Washington Times reported.

The proposals are part of a broader effort by the Trump administration to implement “extreme vetting” on immigration, the department said.

Travelers would also be required to provide phone numbers, email addresses, international travel and immigration issues within the last five years.

Travelers would also be required to answer questions about possible family connections to terrorism.

“This upgrade to visa vetting is long-overdue, and it’s appropriate to apply it to everyone seeking entry, because terrorism is a worldwide problem. The aim is to weed out people with radical or dangerous views,” Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies, told the paper.

According to the documents, approximately 14 million people would be affected by the new proposals and another 700,000 would be affected in the immigration system.

Clearly, we need to just get these people the hell out and stop any of them from coming here.

But what we’re doing right now is just treading water. So these tricky little tricks are useful.

And who knows. Maybe a couple of hajis will be too stupid to delete their terrorist shit before they submit their applications and will get caught and then we can use that to press for further restrictions.

Because I can guarantee you, virtually all Moslems have aggressive terrorist shit on their social media.

Right along with the shittiest of memes and anime.