Immigrants VS Swedes – Will the Swedish Revolution Start in Tärnsjö?

Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
November 27, 2015


Police have been called in to protect immigrant children in the Swedish village of Tärnsjö, after angry Swedish teens formed a flash mob and threw stones at an immigrant center.

This flash mob was in retaliation to immigrant children throwing stones at villagers’ cars, which has been happening since September. Some cars have also been set on fire, and in one case, a Swedish man’s car was shot several times with an air gun.

Tobias Willhall, one of the villagers, said the immigrants are also responsible for theft and burglaries.

The immigrants have caused all kinds of trouble for us. I have friends whose storage spaces have been burgled by immigrants and bicycles have been stolen.” Willhall said.

Councillor of Tärnsjö, Michael Ohman, said this is happening because the villagers didn’t want immigrants to be moved in, but they were ignored.

Racial tension has divided the village into two groups – those who support the immigrants and those who want them gone.” Ohman said.

There has been fighting between immigrants and the people living here.

The village integration works badly because people don’t want immigrants in the village. This is no longer a happy community, it’s divided and is not a pleasant place to live.

Ohman also said villagers are upset they must pay a lot in taxes, while immigrants get free state benefits and housing.

We have the highest tax rate in the county because we are paying for so many immigrants.

Negazi, an Eritrean immigrant, said the problem was that the village is boring to live in.

Apart from it being boring and there being nothing to do, the only thing I complain about is how long it takes to claim asylum in Sweden,

The villagers are upset with the immigrants, and I think most of us would be in their situation – but we all must remember the blame goes to those who let them in, in the first place.

It was anti-Whites in our governments and other influential areas who forced this “diversity” agenda on us. Immigrants are just the pawns in their sick game called White genocide.

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