Domenico Rancadore should have been sent back to Italy to face charges there, but won the right to stay in the UK thanks to human rights legislation and the tax-payer funding the court case.
None of these alien criminals should be in our jails receiving free board and lodging, let alone getting tax-payers money to appeal against being deported. Our borders need to be protected with lethal force, see how many try to sneak in then. This is not a disproportionate response, these gate-crashers regularly rape and kill our own people. Shooting them on sight is a justified defence in accordance with natural law.
TIME and again Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights has proved a useful tool for foreign criminals.
Mohammed Zulfiqar is an illegal immigrant who was jailed for 21 months for using a fake passport.
He has now begun a taxpayer funded attempt to prove that it is a breach of his right to a family life for him to be deported back to his native Pakistan.
Adil Aboulkadir is a Sudanese pedophile who is currently suing the government for supposedly breaching his human rights.
This is the third case this week of an immigrant guilty of crimes using human rights legislation to prolong their time in this country.
Domenico Rancadore has been convicted of Mafia activities by an Italian court but on Monday he won his battle to avoid extradition thanks to human rights legislation.
Adil Aboulkadir, a Sudanese paedophile whose legal bills have been paid in full by the taxpayer, is currently suing the Justice Secretary for breaching his human rights in a desperate bid to delay his impending deportation.
Zulfiqar, his wife and the five children he has fathered since he has been here have already cost this country a fortune in legal aid and benefits.
When his jail term is up he needs to be sent straight back to Pakistan.
He should never even have been here in the first place and we need him out of our country as quickly as possible.