Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2015
This video was made in 2010, and it was never more relevant than it is today.
In it, journalist Roy Beck completely and fully debunks the idiot notion that we are going to stop poverty in the third world by allowing millions of monkeys into our countries.
This is very, very simple math. Debunking it is as easy as debunking Hillary’s 77 cents gibberish. But it doesn’t matter that you can debunk it completely in five minutes to the point where any non-retarded 4-year-old could understand it, because the argument of “we have to save these poor brown people who can’t save themselves” is not a logical argument, it is an emotional argument.
And the reason our society is swayed by emotional arguments is that we have become faggotized by feminism. We have replaced masculine logic and reason, which was responsible for building our societies, with feminine emotional manipulation. And this will destroy our civilization.
Because the basic way that all animals function is on an understanding of cause and effect. When we embrace emotions over logic, believing what feels good rather than what is demonstrably true, we deny the fact that the universe itself functions on physics, which is a logical science, and thus we line ourselves up in opposition to the natural order and ensure our own doom.