Immigration has Made Sweden the Rape Capital of the World

James Edwards
Political Cesspool
July 13, 2014

In the first seven months of 2013, over 1,000 Swedish women reported being raped by Muslim immigrants in the capital city of Stockholm. Over 300 of those were under the age of 15. The number of rapes is up 16% so far this year compared to previous numbers. A large proportion of the increase include rape of young [pre-teen] girls.

The official radio report quoted from BRÅ (The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention) refuses to mention the M-word in the socialist-suffocated Sweden, a country held hostage by the extreme left. But when you contact senior police and government sources they confirm (anonymous in fear of losing their jobs) that these numbers represent Muslims. And a majority of these rapes and sexual assaults are caused by asylum seekers. And these numbers are only the tip of the ice berg. According to the authorities, Sweden’s real rape statistics are 400-900% higher than official numbers. The BRÅ website states:

“As few as 10-20 percent of all sexual offences are reported to the police. The Swedish Crime Survey (Nationella trygghetsundersökningen, NTU) provides a better picture of the extent of criminality, with data on both victims as well as perpetrators — which is lacking in the criminal statistics. Of those who are suspected for sexual offences, the majority are men and only about two percent are women. A majority of the victims are women. In a third of reported rapes, the victim is younger than 15.”

In spite of these horrid numbers and Sweden’s rapid increase in rape statistics, EU Commissions nutter and Swede Cecilia Malmström wants even more Muslims to arrive to her country, and to have access to the rest of Europe.

Cecilia Malmström is the European Commissioner for Home Affairs. She used to be a politician for the Liberal Party in Sweden, but moved on to the EU level when she was elected to the European Parliament in 1999, and was later elevated further to serve on the European Commission.

Part of Ms. Malmström’s job is to oversee immigration policy for the European Union. Like most functionaries in the upper reaches of the EU bureaucracy, she favors the “cultural enrichment” of Europe through mass Third-World immigration. She and other unelected Eurocrats in Brussels decide how much and what kind of immigration is best for the EU, and then impose their will on the member states.

It’s free game for Muslim men to assault women in Sweden and punishments are lenient. In fact, instead of punishing them as they should, Malmström brings in more rapists by the thousands each year.

Sweden now has the second highest number of rapes in the world, after South Africa, which at 53.2 per 100,000 is six times higher than the United States.

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