Immigration is Destruction

Daily Stormer
January 7, 2014

Not happening!

We were sold mass immigration as a fabulous celebration: a ‘celebration of diversity’; a ‘rainbow utopia’; etc. It was all about peace, happiness, enrichment, harmony and love. They never mentioned destruction and harm. However, it will be shown that, contrary to the images, this political policy has in fact caused much destruction – and mass immigration is, in many ways, inherently destructive(2). They deceived and manipulated, sometimes they plain lied.

untitled31 (1)

So in what ways can mass immigration be viewed as causing destruction?


In the most significant and fundamental manner, immigration is destruction in the sense that if there is no form of separation between groups, then over time the immigrants will mix with the indigenous people and form one racial group. The mixing actually acts, in the long term, against diversity – this, in fact, leads to homogenisation. In this sense, to sell mass immigration as diversity is not true (in the longer term), and actually it is the opposite (the ‘multiculturalism’ propaganda is inversionist). Some figures in the media, politics, academia, etc. boast of the destruction of indigenous Brits, heralding the day when there will be no more such people and ‘everyone will be coffee-coloured’ or ‘we will all be one race’, etc. Cessation of existence is the destruction of the racial or ethnic group in question(3). In this sense immigration is destruction(4).


Mass immigration also causes destruction of culture. It is a logical fact that when more than one culture is present in one place at one time, then it is not possible for all cultures to exist totally intact: there inevitably has to be a level(5) of destruction of one or more, if not all(6) of the cultures in question.

The inevitable destruction of culture as a consequence of immigration is enunciated by Dr Turner’s ‘one set of rules dilemma’(7) which states that at one place at one time only one set of ‘rules’ can describe the culture of the population in that area (country, city, etc.). All cultures can be described by what could be conceptualised as sets of descriptive ‘rules’, for example the descriptive ‘rules’ describing the architecture, mode of dress, language, behaviour, etc. An example of one such descriptive ‘rule’ could be that ‘women all wear purple hats’. In cases in which there is a difference (s) between such sets, then not all sets can describe one area simultaneously. And no two different cultures share the same set of such ‘rules’ (or they would not be different cultures). Hence, if one group moves into the area in which another group is practising its culture, then the ‘rules’ of both groups cannot remain unchanged across the area/population in question.

As a simple hypothetical example to illustrate the ‘one set of rules dilemma’, perhaps cultural group P paints all their buildings pink, and cultural group B paints them blue.

If group P moves to the city of group B, then the city-scape cannot remain all blue unless group P gives up their cultural practice of using pink paint. If group P continues to use pink paint, then the city-scape is altered: now there is a mixture of pink and blue buildings instead of the blue view that represented group B’s culture.

Alternatively, amongst other options, group B could change their practice – which would present cultural destruction for group B. Either: group P changes; or group B changes; or both change; or neither change; or parts of groups P and/or B change and other parts do not change (and the relevant changes in all cases could be to any colour or mixture of colours, not necessarily just pink or blue). The only option that does not involve either group changing their paint colour still does not preserve culture: even if neither group change their paint, the indigenous culture has been changed(8) (see above). In any possible scenario there is alteration of one, if not both(9), of the cultures in question. Culture has not been preserved. This destruction is inevitable in such circumstances.

This alteration of culture as a result of immigration can be seen in real life examples, e.g. views of cities have changed as the indigenous culture of Britain has been destroyed to make way for minarets and temples, etc.


The descriptive ‘rules’ can be applied to any aspect of culture, including to the rules of governance, for example: may women drive on the roads? They cannot drive and also not be allowed to drive. All cultures cannot remain intact: destruction is inevitable if space is shared(10). This is a logical fact. In real life some recommend that indigenous people alter their behaviour to accommodate immigrants, e.g. in Scandinavia one professor recommends that women alter their behaviour to avoid being raped by immigrants(11).

“Norwegian women must realize that we live in a multicultural society and adapt themselves to it.”

Of course, when indigenous British culture is actively inhibited so as ‘not to offend’ or otherwise, (e.g. no pork, Christmas celebrations reduced or banned, etc.(12)), then this represents another example of the ‘one set of rules dilemma’ in practice. In fact, the very presence of different people is an alteration to indigenous culture. People form a part of the culture, and also culture is the product of people. In shared space, not all cultures can remain fully intact. Hence, mass immigration presents destruction of culture(13).

There are many other ways in which there is destruction. Mass immigration causes destruction of feelings of fraternity/solidarity, trust(14), peace, familiarity, etc. It goes against natural instincts to have one’s territory invaded, and this provokes feelings of stress(15) and discomfort. Many indigenous people are upset and their quality of life suffers varying levels of destruction in this manner(16) – but the deterioration in the quality of indigenous people’s lives appears less important than the desires of some immigrants who ‘want to improve their lives’(17). Some lives are ‘more equal’ than others. Of course, it is not just feelings of destruction of peace and suchlike that are brought by diversity, but there frequently are actual outbreaks of disorder etc., these on small and sometimes large scales, (e.g. racial animosity/enviousness/resentment in face-to-face encounters, race riots, etc.). Diversity of race/ethnicity etc. brings strife in many forms. Quality of life suffers destruction as a result of immigration.


In Britain, and other countries too, there have been many reductions in freedom as a result of mass immigration(18). Some hold that the diversity of immigration requires reductions in freedoms – and even requires a totalitarian government(19). The former German chancellor, Helmut Schmidt, is quoted as saying that ‘multicultural’ countries can only work under an authoritarian government:

“The concept of multiculturalism is difficult to make fit with a democratic society”(20).

Of course, with the competition for cultural (and other) dominance between groups, clashes of cultures and races, etc. such a situation is intrinsically unstable and conflict-prone(21). Reductions in freedom frequently are held as necessary to inhibit unrest and open conflict(22), for example curfews are sometimes implemented and surveillance is widespread, etc.(23)Numerous other problems are caused by the diversity of immigration, many of which the governments of such countries attempt to quell/prevent by reducing freedoms. For example, often we are told that because certain immigrant groups present a security threat, our freedoms and privacies are to be reduced to keep us safe. Freedoms also are reduced in the UK as the government attempts to inhibit any opposition to mass immigration, and, inter alia, tries to suppress the indigenous people from expressing (or even thinking) anything that might upset the illusion that immigration is great. Freedom of speech has been severely curtailed in this country as a result of immigration (and the related actions by the government)(24). In many cases one is not allowed to state certain truths in case it might pose a threat to the political policy of mass immigration and to the related happy rainbow images (and/or upset immigrants, etc.) – truth and knowledge have hence suffered destruction. Of course, the ideology of ‘multiculturalism’ is based on utopian fantasies, irrationalities and lies (see Dr Turner qv). For such ideologies: truth, reason and open debate pose a significant threat. The whole house of cards easily could collapse were people to be well-informed with true facts – and were allowed to think and debate facts and policies in a fearless, honest and rational manner. Such ideologies require the suppression of truth, reason and morality to survive.

“Dissent has been relabelled as either hatred or insanity. Those who disagree with current orthodoxies are therefore deemed to be either bad or mad […] utopian fantasies wrenched facts and evidence to fit their governing idea. Independent thought thus became impossible — which inevitably resulted in an attack upon freedom, because reason and liberty are inseparable bed- fellows. […] Reason was thus replaced by bullying, intimidation and the suppression of debate.”(25)

Even the use of some words, of certain kinds, can result in one being arrested and sent to prison(26). It never used to be like this. Chief Constable Fahy warns of Britain becoming a police state: “There is a danger of us being turned into a thought police”(27) . Many freedoms have been reduced as a result of immigration; this presents the reality of destruction of our liberties.


Justice and fairness have suffered significant destruction as a result of immigration. Because of immigration, albeit perhaps indirectly, the principle of double jeopardy was removed in Britain. In a general sense it is more difficult for certain types of fairness to exist in a mixed country. This is illustrated by examples such as observing the opinions of different races (on average) on cases that pertain to race – such as in relation to the O.J. Simpson trial in which blacks and whites differed (in general) in opinion as to whether O.J. was guilty or not. Such divergences of opinion make jury trials and other matters of justice problematic in mixed countries. The same issue can be seen in relation to the demands that different groups want their own group to police them, judge them, etc. – these demands often made on the basis that other groups will not, amongst other things, treat them fairly(28). The police frequently have been accused of not policing properly because the criminals in question were immigrants – this accusation made for various reasons including that the police do not want to be labelled ‘racist’(29). If the police are not performing their job properly in relation to immigrants, then this is not just nor fair and also this tends to decrease the quality of life for the people of the country. It is also held that often immigrants receive more favourable treatment when they are victims of crime (relative to indigenous victims)(30). Such accusations of differential treatment pertain to the various other arms of the legal system, not only to the police (e.g. CPS, judges, lawyers, etc.). In these contexts, and others, immigration destroys fairness and justice(31). Reduction of trust in the legal system has various destructive consequences, as does the destruction of the belief that the country is reasonably fair: these destructions of justice and fairness cause further destructions.

These problems of inequality before the law touch upon the idea that in many senses of the term ‘equality’, immigration’s diversity is incompatible with ‘equality’(32). Of course, in a social and political sense ‘equality’ is a nebulous-power-word (see Dr Turner, qv). However, one can distinguish certain forms of ‘equality’ that are not problematic from a rational perspective. For example, above various issues in relation to equality before the law were noted. Immigration also presents inequalities in relation to equality of opportunity and result: for equal results one would have to have unequal processing if the groups differ on the relevant criterion (or criteria). Hence, ‘equality’ in both of these senses is not possible in such circumstances(33). The very act of immigration into the country of an indigenous people presents the fact of treating the indigenous people as not equal to the immigrants(34). It is a reality that different groups tend (in general/overall) to feel more fraternity and loyalty towards members of their own group, presenting various intrinsic inequalities in a mixed country (including in relation to the law – see above). Thus, in many senses of the term ‘equality’, ‘equality’ is reduced, if not impossible, when there is immigration. In an ironic manner, immigration is frequently sold as ‘equality’.

Many children’s lives have suffered destruction as a result of immigration into Britain – this harm would not necessarily always be a result of immigration (as opposed to some of the destruction noted above which is intrinsic to immigration in general), but has been resultant in this context. This particular harm and destruction has been caused in many ways(35), including the many thousands raped by immigrants(36). It is held by many that the little girls in places such as Rotherham (and Sheffield, Manchester, etc.) were sacrificed to appease the immigrants and/or to enable the authorities to indulge themselves in their feel-good ‘anti-racism’ and ‘multiculturalism’ dogmas – letting them feel superior and compassionate(37) – and, not unrelatedly, avoid accusations of ‘racism’(38). It is likely that some people were too scared to act properly. Some hold that the abuse needed to be ignored to maintain the lie that immigration was not destruction, but was good(39):

“What is particularly sickening is their desperation to cover up the abuse in their attempt to maintain the illusion that cultural diversity was working in Rotherham.” (40)

As the local Labour MP for Rotherham during the time documented in Professor Jay’s Report (MP between 1994-2012), Denis MacShane (former BBC employee and convicted fraudster) stated:

“there was a culture of not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat, if I may put it like that. Perhaps, yes, as a true Guardian reader and liberal Leftie, I suppose I didn’t want to raise that too hard.” (41)

As author Allison Pearson notes in response, qv: “Much better to hang on to your impeccable liberal credentials than save a few girls from being raped, eh, Denis?”(42)


The destruction that results from sexual abuse is particularly life-destroying and the consequences rarely are confined to the victim him or herself; frequently the destruction to the spirit is passed down the generations and also family and others in proximity are affected. For example, the consequences of victims’ mental illnesses (and pain/suffering in general) affect others, as do the many cases when such victims turn to drink and drugs to dull the pain, cope with life, etc. Of course, a lot of the drug trade is conducted by immigrants, only too happy to profit from the destruction of lives.

Crimes inflicted upon indigenous Brits by immigrants are not confined to rape and drugs, and this level of crime has caused pain, destruction of a sense of safety and security – and the resultant decreases in quality of life. For example, many elderly people are scared to go out to the extent that they would like, and largely this is due to the fear of crime (and the destruction of their way of life and comfort in general, etc.). The increase in crime as result of immigration(43) (both by direct and indirect means(44)) causes fear and discomfort, plus other problems such as increased security precautions being necessary, increased insurance premiums being paid, etc. Immigration has destroyed quality of life to a significant extent.


The validity and integrity of the electoral system in Britain has suffered a level of destruction as a result of immigration. This has occurred by various means. For example, the problem of postal voting fraud is found to be occurring disproportionately amongst certain immigrant groups (not to mention the deals for the genuine postal votes and orders to vote from elders and family leaders, etc.)(45). There are attitudes to the voting system amongst some immigrant groups that differ from those of the Brits, and there is a higher level of corruption amongst some immigrant groups than amongst the indigenous people(46). As Attorney General MP Dominic Grieve says:

“we have minority communities in this country which come from backgrounds where corruption is endemic”(47)

Of course, such corruption and attitudes are specific to certain immigrant groups, and this form of destruction is not a necessary consequence of immigration in the general sense. However, the diversity that immigration always brings does present some inherent potential problems in relation to elections, including matters such as split loyalties and groups favouring their own(48). All these general and specific issues present ways in which immigration has presented some destruction of political democracy.

Immigration has brought a lot of destruction to the working and lower-middle classes. In many ways, immigration is a class issue. The propagation of ‘moral relativism’(49) caused a belief to be widely held that one ‘should not judge’ – hence, amongst other things, facilitating immigration. This relativism has resulted in an inhibition of the teaching of moral and correct behaviour, which has wrought havoc on poorer communities. In more direct ways, immigration has destroyed the quality of life for working class people as wages and working conditions have reduced, and the shortage of lower-skilled and no-skilled jobs has rendered many unemployed(50). The main influx of immigrants has tended to be in the poorer areas of the country, and these areas are also less able to cope with extra problems and destruction. It is hence the less advantaged that have suffered the most – this pertains to all the destructions noted above, e.g. it is disproportionately white working class children who have been raped and abused by immigrants and it is largely these communities that have been destroyed by the other crimes and by the shattering of any sense of solidarity, comfort and community. As Leo McKinstry notes:

“Mass immigration has amounted to a gross betrayal of the British people, particularly the working class who have borne the brunt of this catastrophically misguided policy.”(51)

One BBC presenter claims that the BBC ignored the problem of immigration so as not to be branded ‘racist’, and also because:

“BBC employees are unable to understand the concerns of ordinary people because they typically have ‘sheltered’ middle-class lives…”

In some ways, immigration has been foisted upon the white working class by the more privileged of society, and objections to immigration are sneered at in a snobbish manner by the more privileged – while the poorer are destroyed. Many of the educated/privileged seem to feel it is intellectually, socially and morally superior to support this destruction. This is admitted by some who previously supported mass immigration, e.g. Peter Hitchens writes that he is sorry:

“…we liked to feel oh, so superior to the bewildered people – usually in the poorest parts of Britain – who found their neighbourhoods suddenly transformed into supposedly ‘vibrant communities’. If they dared to express the mildest objections, we called them bigots.

Revolutionary students didn’t come from such ‘vibrant’ areas (we came, as far as I could tell, mostly from Surrey and the nicer parts of London). We might live in ‘vibrant’ places for a few (usually squalid) years […] we sneered at [the urban poor] as ‘racists’. …

I have learned since what a spiteful, self-righteous, snobbish and arrogant person I was (and most of my revolutionary comrades were, too).”(52)

There are other ways in which immigration presents destruction, both in the general sense and in the specific example of Great Britain recently, including, in this country: destruction of the education system(53); the advancement of the country being reduced; etc.(54). However the destruction of culture and existence are perhaps the most serious (and are two of the inherent forms of destruction caused by immigration(55)). So, in exchange for this what do we get? And is it worth it? Could anything be worth genocide?

Well, we are told that mass immigration brings diversity, but in the long term it does not; as noted above it brings quite the opposite. And diversity in shared space is not always a good thing either, (e.g. race riots, fracturing of peace and solidarity, etc.). Some people say they enjoy seeing different faces around – putting aside the patronising ‘zoo-like’ tone of this – the very diversity they enjoy is threatened by mass immigration, and is their small pleasure worth the destruction? How could they think it is acceptable to self-indulge at the expense of others – and, ironically, all the time posing with their ‘moral values’? Why do ‘anti-racists’ throw one race under the bus to posture? And do they not see any possible inconsistency in their position? Another ‘argument’ for mass immigration is the variety of restaurants available, but is this choice of restaurants worth the destruction? And, of course, indigenous people can be taught to cook any dishes(56).


Some argue that it is ‘nice’ and compassionate to bring in millions of people: compassionate to whom? To those suffering the destruction? And in the long run it is not clear that the immigrants will gain – this true in a number of ways. For example, even the new immigrants will, and frequently do(57), resist further immigration after a point(58) – perhaps as, in relation to the area in question, a sense of territorialism and ownership develop to a certain extent(59). The short term gains enjoyed by immigrants might not be worthwhile even for them in the long run. And then there is the alleged economic argument. If all the figures (immigration has caused many costs to Britain(60)) and the long-term economic projections are taken into account, it is not clear that immigration is an economic benefit to Britain, in fact, the reverse is true(61). One can view this from the example of one hypothetical immigrant: he either works and thus takes a job(62) a Brit could have done(63), and pays taxes that a Brit could have paid. Alternatively, he takes benefits. Where is the economic gain coming from(64)? Are these immigrants all arriving and dropping off large amounts of cash that they brought with them? Well the truth is that millions of pounds leave the country every month as immigrants send money back home (plus benefits are sent abroad by the government too, etc.). We are not gaining money here, and even if we were, is it worth the destruction? As Hitchens writes in relation to immigration:

“ is impossible not to be angry with the politicians who either couldn’t imagine what their policies would bring in practice, or did not care. The destruction of familiarity and security cannot be measured in money.”(65)

How much would you sell your country, peace, freedom, quality of life, culture, heritage, children and race for? Even were there to be a financial gain (which there is not here(66)), is this moral? Are we for sale? What possibly could be worth selling your race for? Of course, all this destruction is predictable, and is documented around the world and across history – which begs the question: who would implement such a policy, and why?

Immigration presents destruction, and it just isn’t worth it.


(1) As background reading to many of the points in this article, please read Dr Thomas Turner’s book:
“MULTICULTURALISM” – WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Smokescreens and Mirrors (2013)
Available on Amazon at:

“MULTICULTURALISM” – WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Smokescreens and Mirrors

Buy from Amazon

(2)In some senses, immigration is inevitably destructive, and other means of destruction are context-specific. Examples of both forms of destruction will be noted below.
(3)To intentionally cause a race to cease to exist is genocide. Under the UN definition of genocide, physical violence is not necessary, and merely bringing about the physical conditions that reduce the population, with the intent to so do, qualifies as genocide. Article 2 of the UN Convention on the Prevention of the Crime of Genocide states that genocide can be defined, amongst other things, as: ‘Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part’ with ‘intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.’ The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was Adopted by Resolution 260 of the U.N. General Assembly on the 9th December 1948

(4)It is facts such as these that have prompted various survival campaigns, such as the ‘’multiculturalism’ is genocide’, ‘anti-racist is a code word for anti-white’ and ‘diversity is death’ campaigns, e.g. see:

(5)A variable level depending on the context
(6)I.e. possibly ‘both’ if there are only 2 cultures in question, and possibly ‘all’ in cases in which there are more than 2 cultures relevant
(7)See Dr Turner’s book:

“MULTICULTURALISM” – WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Smokescreens and Mirrors

Buy from Amazon

(8)As has the immigrant culture
(9)Or more than two if more than 2 cultures are relevant
(10)Of course, sometimes areas split so that different cultures are practised (to a large extent at least) in different areas, also see:
If areas of territory are given away to immigrants, then this destroys the intact nature of the indigenous culture. And why would a country do that?
In such cases, intangible space is still shared, at least to some extent, and this, amongst other things, can present various issues (see Dr Turner’s book qv)
(12)E.g. see:
In the US, the inhibitions on celebrating Christmas are called ‘war on Christmas’ by some, e.g. see:

(13)This dilemma also means that if ‘multiculturalism’ is defined as ‘everyone practising their own culture’ or ‘all cultures being preserved’, then this is not possible in shared space – rendering this definition of ‘multiculturalism’ impossible to achieve in practice in cases of immigration (see Turner’s book qv)
(14)Trust suffers destruction in various ways and by various means, for example: trust between people is diminished by a number of processes; trust in the justice system is reduced by various means; etc. As with destruction of the other factors noted here, reductions in trust can have many deleterious consequences for the country.
(15)This cause of stress, as with many of the other stresses caused by immigration, might be a contributory factor to the increase in psychological problems that has occurred
(16)Also see: Telegraph 29th January 2013

(19)Also see:
(20)Telegraph 25th November 2004

(21)Inter-group conflict characterises such diversity.
(22)Conflict is found between immigrant groups, e.g. see:
and also between immigrant groups and the indigenous people, e.g. see:

(24)For further reading on threats to freedom of speech in Britain see:
Johnston, P. (2013) Feel Free to Say It. Threats to Freedom of Speech in Britain Today. Civitas, London.
Also, relatedly, see:


(28)If this principle of being policed, judged, etc. only by one’s own group is thought through, then this is an argument for separation – if this is followed, then mixed areas are not feasible
(29)E.g. for such accusations see:–4120569

(30)E.g. see:
(31)In an ironic, manipulative, dishonest and inversionist manner, immigration is often sold to people as being fair and just.
(32)Also see:
(33)E.g. see the inequalities presented by affirmative action: members of one race (s) are given favourable treatment for jobs, educational places, etc.
(34)Also see:
(35)In many areas with high immigrant populations, children no longer have the freedom to go out play like they used to. This is another reduction in freedom and also of quality of life.

(36)E.g. over 1,400 in one town (Rotherham) in just 16 years is documented.

(37)To whom? To the rape and abuse victims?
(39)This touches on the cover-up of the true results of immigration. The media and government act to conceal the truth from the public by various means, e.g.: the censorship, the lies, the ‘finding positive stories’ about immigration, etc.
(42)Of course, other factors may be at play here too, including the fact that if the British public knew of the levels of abuse, then immigration might not be tolerated. There are accusations that the Labour Party dealt for votes, but this is not proven. Many factors are causal here, and different causes are more significant for different people.
(44)Indirect means include factors such as that when the people are divided and oppressed, then feelings of consideration, trust, care, etc. in a general sense diminish and this tends to breed crime. Other indirect factors come into play, such as that the poverty brought to normal indigenous people by immigration tends to increase the likelihood of crime being committed by them. There are many other such indirect factors that result from immigration and its consequences.
(48)There are other related problems, such as one Jewish MP who no longer holds MP surgeries because of inter-ethnic threats, see:
(49)Some define ‘multiculturalism’ as such ‘moral relativism’ – see Dr Turner’s book qv
(50)The poor are made poorer by immigration, also see:
(53)Those implementing and/or propagandising mass immigration very rarely send their children to the schools that are most affected by immigration. Many inner city comprehensives suffer terrible problems with inter-group conflicts, lower standards, non-English speakers taking teaching time and #lowering educational standards, etc. E.g. see:
For example, black Labour MP Dianne Abbott opted for a private education for her son, as do many such ‘leftie’/’liberal’ MPs, or they chose a state school in a good area (to get a nice time and good education, without admitting they are opting out of the mess they have created).

Senior Guardian Newspaper writers have their children sent to private schools, not affected by the destruction that they propagandise for the rest of us, see:
(54)Also see destruction of quality of life as pressure is placed on resources, including the NHS, schools, police and justice system, roads, water, housing, etc. E.g.

(55)As opposed to some forms that are context-specific
(56)It is not ‘rocket salad’, merely salad with a different recipe
(57)The resistance usually is found towards those of different races, not to more of their own race. There are reasons why immigrants might not resist, e.g. if this appears a poor tactic for them, etc.
(58)E.g. in Sheffield there are problems between the Roma immigrants just arriving and the Pakistanis who arrived earlier

(59)If mass immigration never stops, then apart from the small islands being over-crowded, there is the issue that nobody ever has a home as such – it is never-ending destruction and turmoil
(60)Many such calculations only focus on unemployment benefits verses tax revenues, but ignore many benefits such as tax credits, child benefits, etc. Also, even without the benefits, there are many other financial costs that have been caused by immigration into Britain (both directly and indirectly) – factors such as: translation services; financial costs of race riots; extra policing costs in general; government posts in ‘community relations/diversity officers’, etc.; the ‘multiculturalism’ industry in general; etc.
(61)Of course, different groups of immigrants present different financial issues. In the UK, third world immigration is particularly expensive for the country.
(62)Some jobs are only for non-indigenous people, sometimes this is explicit whereas other times it is not stated but is the case. Also see:
(63)Unemployment rises as a result of immigrants taking jobs.
Also see:–and-foreign-jobseekers-even-get-travelling-costs-8734731.html
Many immigrant workers drive down wages and working conditions for indigenous people, this works in a number of ways including the fact that many immigrants live in a temporary manner (even though it might end up permanent) and hence have lower living expenses and can accept lower wages., (e.g. numerous people sharing a home deigned for many fewer). Other means by which this occurs include that fact that many immigrants arrive from countries with much lower wages/conditions/standards of living – hence we engage in a race to the bottom
(64)Some calculations disingenuously talk about the GDP, rather than GDP per capita. Of course, if there are more people, then this tends to push up the overall GDP, but that is not as relevant as is GDP per capita – which is a better measure of quality of life (from an economic perspective).
(66)Other than for some of the very wealthy