Immigration Lawyer Is Getting Deported After Defending Illegal Beaners

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
August 21, 2018

My Jew-dar is going haywire on this bitch.

Those who live by the sword, will die by the sword.

Accordingly, those who live defending filthy invaders from deportation, will get deported themselves. This is only justice. :

After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 2015, Esperanza Franco headed south to the border, where she worked defending immigrants who faced deportation.

So let me get this straight. She came to our country, was welcomed, educated in one of our institutions, and then she promptly started using the skills we’ve taught her in order to make money by helping our enemies invade America?

Now she’s the one who might get kicked out of the country.

Deportation is too good for her. But until we get the water ordeal set up (in due legal fashion, with due process), I’ll settle for it.

Franco says her former employer’s mishandling of a work-visa application — she came here from Spain five years ago — has put her in danger of losing her legal status. She fears that in less than a month, she could end up being jailed in the same Arizona detention center where she has gone to visit clients.

Oh, KEK, God of lulz, thou hast never fail’d me.

“I’m going through so much stress,” Franco said. “I’m waking up in the middle of night, with back pain.”

Cry moar.

The paradox of her situation is not lost on Franco, 28, who put her legal knowledge and Spanish-language skills to work in Tucson at the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project, a nonprofit advocacy group.

It’s not a “paradox.”

This sort of situation is better referred to as “sweet, sweet irony.”

Or, even more accurately, as ULTIMATE JUSTICE.

I picture justice as a robot with a powdered wig – and laser cannons.

The project director said that, far from fumbling Franco’s visa, the agency did all it could to find a way to legally retain someone it saw as a smart, solid staff lawyer.

“We were all disappointed, but the organization wasn’t at fault,” said executive director Lauren Dasse, who questioned whether Franco was making “false accusations” to hurt the agency.

Oh, what a shock, some ungrateful spic bitch is making false accusations and lashing out at her former benefactors.

No, but seriously, this skank is supposed to be Spanish, but have you ever seen a more Jewish looking broad?

So the real question is, is she acting like this because:

  1. She’s a woman.
  2. She’s a Jew.
  3. She’s a Jew woman.
  4. Although a gentile, her facial features have connected her, through the spiritual plane, with the Platonic ideal of Jewishness, and warped her soul to twist her into a servant of Yahweh/Moloch hellbent on destroying America.

In the absence of any evidence that she has Jewish ancestry, the most likely possibility is of course number 4.

It’s great that these filthy immigration lawyers are getting targeted for deportation. They should always have been the top priority. Anyone who’s played Team Fortress 2 will understand why:

You need to go after the support classes (lawyers and advocates) before the DPS guys (normal beaners). That’ll make everything go much more smoothly.

It’s also way funnier.