Implants are Here and We’re Screwed

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
May 7, 2018

While I do believe that cybernetic augmentation is something that will be inevitable (and quite possibly beneficial), this implant stuff is going to royally fuck us in our current society.

You think that companies tracking your data is bad with cellphones and computers now?

Imagine what it would be like if it was literally completely impossible to operate in society without some kind of chip in you.

It might be a type of credit implant in a cashless society.

It might be a security chip for your car/house.

It might be a chip you need to get to work – probably pitched as a replacement for social security numbers or direct deposit information if it’s not in an industry that would require much security.

All I can say for sure is when/if this becomes required, I at least want one that makes me see in infrared with a HUD monitoring my vitals and a minimap.