Impossible to Find Accurate Information That is Not Anti-Semitic

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 17, 2016

One of the reasons Jews suffer so much anti-Semitism is that anti-Semitic information is factually accurate.


Donald Trump used another graphic initially published by an anti-Semitic site last week at a rally in Sunrise, Florida. He held up a chart that purported to show the amount of money several countries in North Africa and the Middle East had paid in order to receive money from the State Department, calling it a “Pay to Play” system. The graphic showed a twenty dollar bill with Hillary Clinton’s face in the center.

The graphic, however, had been tweeted last month by former Klu Klux Klan member and candidate for senator of Louisiana, David Duke. That image had an Israeli flag where the stamp of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York would be. The graphic Trump held up at the Florida rally, on a large piece of poster board, did not display the Israeli flag or a Star of David.

Nathaniel Meyersohn, a reporter for Buzzfeed, first noticed that Duke had originally tweeted the graphic.

It looks as though the best way to avoid anti-Semitism is to avoid discussion of factual information.