Stuff Black People Don’t Like
April 13, 2016
The ultimate symbol of white power is the American flag (regardless of its condition) on the moon.
The ultimate symbol of black dysfunction is the Joe Louis Statue in 83 percent black Detroit, a black power fist standing amidst the decaying reminders of the city white people long ago abandoned.
Now comes this reminder of the type of community individual black people collectively create.[Minority-owned contractors in Detroit wanted for blight removal: City to host first contractor fair on May 13,, 4-12-16]:
Minority-owned and city-based contractors in Detroit are being sought for the city’s blight removal program.
Mayor Mike Duggan, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and members of the city’s faith-based community on Tuesday announced upcoming contractor opportunity fairs.
The first of the events is scheduled May 13 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Northwest Activities Center, 18100 Meyers.
Duggan says the city is “about to ramp up the work that’s already taking place” in Detroit neighborhoods.
The city’s blight removal efforts include demolitions and home rehabilitation.
More than 8,000 vacant houses have been demolished over the past two years.
The city is to receive $42 million in federal blight removal funds which could allow for 5,000 demolitions this year and 6,000 in 2017.
Without a black population, would Detroit be in need of federal blight removal funds?
Do you get why white people long ago passed laws designed to protect their civilization?