Stuff Black People Don’t Like
January 2, 2016
Jackson Ward 3 Councilman Kenneth Stokes wants to send a message to police from other jurisdictions who chase misdemeanor suspects through Jackson.
He says he wants to send that message with rocks, bricks and bottles.
Today the councilman told reporters that police from surrounding cities put Jackson children in danger when they chase people on neighborhood streets. He says he’d like black leadership to team up and use force.
“What I suggest is we get the black leadership together, and as these jurisdictions come into Jackson we throw rocks and bricks and bottles at them. That will send a message we don’t want you in here,” he says.
Stokes also suggests taking court action against outside police agencies that chase misdemeanor offenders into Jackson.
Never mind virtually all violent crime in Jackson is committed by black people, the police are the real enemy out devaluing black bodies. So, it appears Councilman Stokes wants to provide safe passage and refuge to black criminals, while declaring war upon the police merely trying to protect some semblance of white civilization in Jackson, Mississippi.

“…throw rocks and bricks and bottles at them,” is Stokes’ clarion call for racial justice against police, a message of a unified black front against one of the last vestiges of the white man’s law in a nearly 9/10th’s black city.
Jackson is a representative of Actual Black-Run America (ABRA), a city boasting a present whose hilarious misfortunes were long ago prophesied by evil white bigots who dared warn what would happen when blacks took political power and even had the temerity to pass laws that tried to protect their posterity from black rule.
And now, in 2016, we see in Councilman Stokes the living embodiment proving, once again, the architects of Jim Crow were right.
The law and justice no longer remain in 86 percent black Jackson; just the frightening fury of racial justice, which mean bluntly, “we blacks are in power and it’s time to get revenge on whitey.”