Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 22, 2014

In the wake of the Glenn Miller fiasco, a Muslim writer occupying the American state of California named Osaama Saifi has declared that the invading Muslim parasite must stand with their racial and religious kinsmen, the parasitical Jewish virus.
For the Santa Barbara Independent, he writes:
Muslims in particular need to fight anti-Semitism wherever it may be found. For one, Israelite prophets are revered by both Jews and Muslims, and early Muslims did at first pray toward Jerusalem before praying toward the Ka’ba in Mecca. The Qur’an itself speaks about Prophet Moses a total of 136 times. No other prophet in the Qur’an is given as much attention as Moses is given. Growing up as a child, I often would hear stories from my mother about Moses’ nearness to God. I was told the story of when God split the Red Sea for him and the early Jews when escaping Pharaoh’s torment. Even now, before giving a speech, I am reminded of Moses’ prayer to God before he confronted Pharaoh, when he asked God to “loose the knot of my tongue, that they may understand my speech.” (20:26-28) Over 2,000 years later, Muslims recite these same words that Moses recited, attempting to walk in his esteemed footsteps.
Muslims also have a particular duty to stop terrorists that attack synagogues. The Qur’an clearly states that synagogues need to be protected: “If Allah did not repel some men by means of others, there would surely have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques … ” (22:41). Here, God requires Muslims to step up to the plate and stop those who destroy or disrupt synagogues and other houses of worship. Indeed, the Qur’an recognizes the protection of synagogues alongside mosques. The Qur’an, in fact, places more importance in the protection of synagogues than mosques by recognizing the protection of synagogues before recognizing the protection of mosques. In the eyes of God, Muslims need to protect the rights of their Jewish brethren and freedom of religion as a whole.
More and more, we are seeing Muslims come out and openly embrace their one-time enemy the Jew, and vice versa. It is clear that their interests coincide, and that they long for the days of the Ottoman empire, when they stood together against the Christian people of Europe.
Though Muslims in Europe and America still sometimes act out against the Jews who are inviting them to come rape White women on the streets and live on welfare, the leadership of Muslim organizations, and their spokesmen such as Mr. Saifi here, are vocal in their support for Jews.
The Muslims have always been more cooperative with the Jews that our own folk have been, and the Jews have in turn propped them up to levels they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to achieve, playing the role of the brains to the conquest and subjugation operation.
In modern times, the intelligent Muslims know which side their falafel is oiled, understanding that it is the Jews who have allowed them to invade Europe, and thus it is by siding with the Jews that they will continue their monumental rise to power over the White race.
Both groups are parasites, who wish to take what we have and make it their own.
This is the reason why we cannot ever hope to form a real alliance with Muslims: it is not simply because they are not White and have vastly different interests than us, it is, much more importantly, that when it comes down to it, they will always side with the Jews.