In First Speech Since November, BASED Macron Calls for End to Immigration, Violent War on Islam

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 26, 2019

Can you believe this guy literally didn’t give a speech since November, because people were protesting him and he was too scared to say anything at all?

Well, now that he finally is saying something, he’s gone full Nazi and is calling for an end to Schengen so that immigrants can’t come to France.


The Schengen agreement and the current migrant-sharing mechanism are deeply flawed and need urgent fixing, French President Emmanuel Macron has said. Europe must “have borders” even if it means a smaller Schengen zone, he said.

In the first major press conference since the Yellow Vest movement took off in November, Macron unveiled a range of policy measures to placate the protesters, including a proposed overhaul of the European-wide migration policy and the Schengen agreement.

The embattled French leader argued that the agreement that guarantees free movement across the Schengen area, while “wonderful,” does not work anymore.

The same, he said, applies to the Dublin Regulation that determines which EU member-state is responsible for accepting asylum seekers. Under the current version of the agreement, which came into force in 2013 and applies to all EU member-states except Denmark, the main criteria for determining responsibility is the first point of entry.

“The common borders, Schengen, Dublin agreements do not work anymore,” Macron said, adding that it is essential for Europe to make “profound” changes in its way of handling migrant arrivals.

Macron called for reinforced border security, which might entail having a Schengen “with fewer states.”

The Schengen area comprises 26 states, including 22 EU member-states and four non-EU countries: Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. It is named after the 1985 agreement that abolished internal borders allowing people within the zone to travel freely from one country to another.

Even more awesomely, he appeared to call for a violent Crusade against Islam.


French President Emmanuel Macron vowed an ‘intractable’ fight against ‘political Islam,’ which he said seeks secession from the French Republic. His comments left many puzzled about his goals.

After delivering a speech addressing numerous social issues tied to France’s burgeoning protest movement, the Yellow Vests, Macron’s press conference took an odd turn when he laid into the French Muslim population.

“We are talking about people who, in the name of a religion, pursue a political project,” he said. “A political Islam that wants to secede from our Republic,” against which he asked the government to be “intractable.”

Macron also gave a ringing defense of French secularism, and called out “communitarianism.”

“We must not hide ourselves when we talk about secularism, we do not really talk about secularism, we talk about the communitarianism that has settled in certain districts of the Republic,” Macron said, referring to Muslim communities.

I think he could have driven the point home by publicly executing some random Moslems, but that might be expecting too much.

At least he is ready to KILL in the name of French culture.

But Seriously Though

This is all bullshit.

He isn’t going to do anything.

If he was going to do something, he would have just done it. There was no reason to give a speech talking about how he’s thinking about doing it. He has the ability to start expelling migrants, to close off the Schengen borders, to start rounding up Moslems. And actually doing those things would have meant something. Giving a speech about it is just trying to placate an angry mob with nice words.

I don’t think it will work, at all.

The Yellow Vests are in a frenzy at this point, the weather is warmer, they are going to go full on.

I guess the good news here is that someone has tested what the Yellow Vests want, and he gave a speech based on that – so what they want is an end to immigration and punishment for Moslems.

So despite attempts by the media to frame them as something other than a right-wing movement – some kind of vague “workers movement” – we now know they are solidly a right-wing movement, because in attempting to placate them, he gave a right-wing speech.

Furthermore, whether he does anything or not (he won’t), he basically admitted that the entire idea of the EU is wrong and has failed. Which is quite a thing for the man billed as the new face of the EU to do.

“Bowlcut Bulldog” Merkel must be rolling in her kennel.