In Korea, A Million March Over a Corruption Scandal, While Europeans Sit by and Allow Their Governments to Exterminate Them

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 4, 2016

The interesting thing about homogeneous societies without Jews is that people living in them care what happens to them.

Yesterday’s rally in Seoul, Korea calling for the impeachment of President Park was presumably one of the biggest political rallies in history. Over a million people marched through the streets of the city demanding her impeachment.


Well, it was a relatively routine corruption scandal. Just theft. Nothing really even worth paying attention to. It is only slightly interesting as it involves a cult, which apparently brainwashed the President in her youth for the purpose of implanting her in the government to use her to steal money. I haven’t been covering it here on the Stormer, because it’s just like yeah, who cares.

Anyway. What she is doing doesn’t even begin to compare to what our governments in the West are doing to us. They have literally declared war on us. And yet, we can’t get more than a few hundred people out in the streets to march.

In my view, this is because we simply don’t really care about our societies, because multiculturalism and liberalism generally have made us feel as though we are not part of a society.

We are buried under nihilism, to such an extent that we have become emotional and spiritual cripples.

This is why the Alt-Right movement is so important. The people already have power. The people always have power. At any time, millions of people could take to the streets in Western countries and demand the government resign. At that point, they don’t have a choice.

There is no power greater than millions of people on the streets demanding something.

So, the actual logistics of taking back power are not an issue. The issue is will.

We are here to give the people a reason to fight. To remind them why, throughout history, people have fought.

Because life has meaning.

We are more than the sum of our orgasms.

We are links in a chain stretching back to the beginning of time.

We are the embodiment of the souls of our ancestors and the only way we will ever experience fulfillment as individuals and as a collective is to fight for the continuation of our blood, to secure the existence of future generations, just as our ancestors secured our existence.


Hail Victory.