Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 18, 2015

In the wake of the massacres in Paris, the camel-faced terrorist Fiyaz Mughal has come out and condemned European people as the real threat to Europe.
In an op-ed for the Independent entitled “Far right ideology is not amusing buffoonery – extremists have killed before,” Mughal engaged in high-level victim-blaming, attacking people for complaining about Moslems on the internet and saying they could begin violent massacres at any time.
He writes:
This week’s Channel 4 documentary Angry, White and Proud showed some of the less salubrious sides of far right groups and activities in this country. Over the last six months, there has been much talk of a drop in support of these groups. Whilst it is true that actual street base support has dropped, this does not take into account how the narratives of these extreme groups has pervaded and spread across the internet and through social media platforms.
In 2013, we at TELL MAMA published our findings that nearly 70 per cent of self-reported anti-Muslim incidents online had a perpetrator with a link to a far right group, (the English Defence League, the British National Party or the North West Infidels, for example). The majority of online reported cases included threats of offline action and therefore were not be dismissed or underestimated. Most perpetrators of online anti-Muslim hate were male and under the age of 40.
How, pray tell, does one commit an “anti-Muslim incident” online? How does any type of “incident” take place online? What type of an incident are we talking about here?
Oh, right. Hurt feelings. You are tracking self-reported cases of people typing things that hurt Moslems feelings on the internet.
He then goes on to list off a few incidences of Europeans fed-up with the invasion and taking some sort of violent action. While I oppose violent action by the right-wing, all that these people can be said to be doing is responding to an invasion of their home by a hostile parasite entity. It is no different than a Palestinian taking up arms against the Jew state of Israel.

Mughal is the head of Tell MAMA UK, an organization set up to lobby against free speech by claiming that anyone who speaks out against the invasion has a secret plan to murder his people. The terrorist group is backed by the ZOG of Britain with taxpayer shekels.
Just sit for a second and imagine the nerve of this guy. In the wake of Paris, he comes out and claims that Europeans need to be silenced to protect Moslems.
Why is it our duty to protect welfare leeching parasites who are plotting to murder us all?