Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 30, 2016
The forces of God and the Universe are on our side, as evidenced by this video of communist protester at the DNC attempting to burn an American flag and the flag instead turning around and burning him.
This is yet another sign from the divine order.
The stars have aligned for us, brothers.
Meme magic is real.
Scott Wieland, Gary Shandling and Mohammad Ali all were killed by God, Odin or the Universal consciousness (depending on your religious beliefs or lack thereof) for opposing Trump.
Patton Oswalt’s wife was killed by God because he opposed Trump.
God even killed the Bernie baby.
Johnny Depp did an anti-Trump movie and then he beat his wife and she told the media, he bombed in an Alice in Wonderland movie and his career was destroyed forever.
Trump posted a Jew star and it killed the world’s number one Holohoaxer Elie Wiesel.
Never forget: Meme magic is real and God is on our side.
This train has no brakes.
Hail Victory.