In Weird Move, Gamer Fraud Elon Musk Admits to Random Fatso That He is a Complete Fraud

In a frankly bizarre turn of events, the complete fraud Elon Musk, a video game cheater, has admitted to some random fat guy no one has ever heard of that he is a total fraud gamer.

Musk apparently had a conversation in twitter DMs with one NikoWrex, who has a sum total of 2.2k followers on YouTube. This is the original video, which still only has fewer than 30k views:

However, those reviewing the video have garnered millions of views.

It is pretty clear that it is real. Too many people have spread it, and the fat guy seems honest. It’s also just obviously the way Elon would talk in a DM. Why on earth he would choose to admit this cheating to some rando in DMs, instead of going on a big stream or just posting it on Twitter, is unknown, but this kind of bizarre behavior seems to fit with Elon’s personality. (Note: he is not “interesting weird,” but rather “offensively strange.”)

The chat is very weird, as Elon continues to not really understand anything. But he admits that he has had someone else play his accounts, both in Diablo 4 and Path of Exile 2. He explains that this isn’t really cheating because everyone does it. However, that is totally false. All of the top-ranked people on PoE2 stream their entire playtime, showing that it is them doing it.

Furthermore, he says he still doesn’t understand the concept of Asmongold having “video editors,” and says that they are editors like “newspaper editors” that determine his content. This concept has been widely explained to him, and it is all through the community notes on his own website, but he says he still doesn’t understand, and thinks Asmongold is talking about people who tell him what content to produce.

He had to do some kind of damage control, but this is the dumbest way he possibly could have done it. Apparently, he has played games with this fat guy in the past, and knew he was a total lickspittle who would reveal this information in the kindest way possible. The fat guy falsely claims that everyone is cheating, then says he doesn’t really know if that is true. He also says that this is ethical behavior, which is clearly untrue. Elon Musk attempted to sell himself as one of the best gamers in the world, a god gamer, and engaged in fraud in order to do that. This is clearly unethical, and it shows that he is willing to do any kind of fraud. If he is willing to do fraud and gain nothing of value, of course he would commit fraud for money.

Imagine someone saying: “Yeah, that guy will trick you and scam you for no reason, but he’s really honest in business.” It doesn’t make sense, right? Obviously, Musk’s gamer fraud exposes that he is a fraud and will do fraud against anyone, for any reason or no reason.

What I think happened is that he did this with Diablo 4, and when no one called him out, he heard about Path of Exile 2 being “similar to Diablo 4,” and thought he could do the same with that game. However, Diablo 4 is a game for babies. It’s a horrible game and it is so easy. All he was really claiming when he claimed to be a top Diablo player is that he is willing to spend 12+ hours per day, every day, grinding in a dead game (no one plays the game anymore). When he streamed, no one could tell he was faking it, because the game is so simple, you can’t tell the difference between a god gamer and a random noob. So when he did this with PoE2, he got called out, because it was so obvious he was not playing his own character, then he doubled and tripled down. Then, apparently, he decided to tell the truth to some rando.

It’s a very weird segment in the ongoing “Elon Musk is Having a Mental Breakdown in Public and It’s Freaking Hilarious” saga. I don’t really know if this will end the outrage of the gaming community, but it will probably at least cool things down. So I guess that is a partial success. But due to the fact that he committed this fraud, then totally crashed out in public and temporarily censored Asmongold, the fact he said all that wild, retarded stuff, means he will forever be hated by anyone who witnessed this fiasco.

There is no possible way he can regain people’s trust. He should have publicly owned the cheating and joked about it, said he was trolling gamers for teh lulz. It was so obvious that this was the strategy. Instead, we get “I leaked the truth to a random fat man who is sycophant and no one will trust him at all because he’s so fat.”

He could have just went on Quin69’s stream and said “look, I was having some fun, and maybe it got a bit out of hand, okay? I was just messing with people, I knew no one would believe it, I just wanted to see how far I could push it.”

Very simple, straight from Andrew Anglin, the world’s most famous and respected crisis management advisor.

Instead, he made a complete mess.


By the way, the fat guy whatever his name is seems like a nice enough guy. He’ll probably read this. I’m sure he’s a nice guy. I have no respect for him because he’s fat. He seems to be a Christian, because he asked Elon “What Would Jesus Do?”, and he didn’t seem to be being ironic, but if he is a Christian he needs to repent of his gluttony and distance himself from criminal gamer frauds. When reviewing the video, the funniest thing Quin said was “Jesus wouldn’t be cheating at video games!” It’s so true.

Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins and if Protestant churches would actually enforce this, America would be about 1,000X less ridiculous.