Incompetent Black DEA Agent Shoots Himself in Front of Classroom Full of Children

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 8, 2015

Blacks – Good at dancing, but not a lot else.

This video is instructive on so many different levels.

Affirmative Action is the only reason why anyone would employ Blacks and we can see the reason for that here.

This Black DEA agent is so bad at his job, that they have had to send him off to talk to children instead.

While at the school, he is so incompetent that he forgets to check that his gun was unloaded and then shoots himself in the foot.

Where there is no brain, there is no pain and the retarded agent just carries on as if nothing has happened, while bleeding all over the floor.

You would think he would just realise his utter ineptness and quit right there, but no, he then tries to get hold of another gun so he can do the same again!

Luckily a clever White child was on hand to save the day by shouting “put it down, put it down.”