Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 4, 2015

Today is July 4th, the year of Our Lord Two-Thousand and Fifteen.
Two-hundred and thirty-nine years ago, our Founding Fathers waged war against the evil British, and brutally defeated them in the most humiliating manner imaginable.
Two years ago, the Founding Father of the Daily Stormer, Andrew Anglin, declared independence from Jews and launched this very website.
This coincidence is not coincidental. The Founding Father of the Daily Stormer was considering this when he launched the site, which was dedicated to Jesus Christ, George Washington and Adolf Hitler. He said to himself “America is the greatest country of all, and before being taken over by Jews, made all other countries appear to be complete crap. So then shall I launch a website, which all other websites will look as crap before, and ensure that it is never taken over by Jews.”
America: From Best to Worst Ever
Having once been the greatest country ever, America is now by far the worst country ever. That is what happens when you get Jewed: everything becomes the opposite of what it is supposed to be.

The Jews did a Bruce Jenner on the country.
Every country on earth was given an inferiority complex by the United States because it was so much better. All things were invented by uss. People would then use the things we created to complain about us.
Now, the world, especially the French, stand back and mock us as we writhe around on the ground in an autistic seizure state, throwing money at Jews, starting endless wars which have no spoils and produce no booty of any sort, allowing the most disgusting people on the planet to enter and rob us of the money we didn’t have the energy to throw at Jews.
We produce horrible music and films to distribute to the stupid people of earth who still want this crap for some reason. Probably they just assume it is good because it is from America. But even the French are buying this crap.

Not only is France now better than us, third world hellholes which are not even actual countries in any traditional sense are now better than us.
We need to figure something out.
And that is what the Daily Stormer is about: figuring things out.
One Principle
This site is called many things by its enemies. It is called “White supremacist,” “Neo-Nazi” and other stupid things which have no meaning.

But we have a singular principle: White nations for White people. If we are able to achieve this, everything else will fall into place, just as it always did before.
First and foremost, we need to get rid of these Jews. Friends, we need not gas them in homicidal chambers of doom: we can simply deport them to Israel. So this is the first bulletpoint of our first principle: ban the Jews. Of course, we want rid of the rest of these people – the Blacks, the Latinos, anyone else who isn’t White – but once we get rid of the Jews, everyone will be like “wait, what are all these non-White people doing here again? I forgot.”
And then the deportations will begin.
Ensure 200 More Years of the Daily Stormer
It is always a struggle to pay the bills, especially when we wish to continue to expand the project.
To ensure that the Stormer storms for 200 more years, please consider contributing.
Cash or a check can go to this address:
Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio
We accept all forms of currency.
The Other American Flag
On this Independence Day, I, as transitional head of the official non-Jewish American government in exile, wish to honor the independence that wasn’t but should have been. Today as I sit in the headquarters of the official base of the official government in exile of non-Jew America, I will be flying a second flag.

Probably, if the South had been allowed to separate, we wouldn’t currently be dealing with these issues. It was a mistake of history, and as the transitional head of the official government in exile of the United States of Non-Jew America, I declare the Southern states as officially independent and declare Hunter Wallace the official dictator of this new country. It is requested that he immediately meet me at the non-Jew exile government headquarters (an island off the coast of Fiji) so that we may discuss stratagem regarding how to reclaim America, including the 35% of which he now controls by official decree of the official non-Jew government of America in exile.
We will also be planning a full annexation of Canada as part of my “Connecting Alaska” stratagem (often referred to as “The Anglin Plan”).

Enjoy the Day
Please enjoy the day, and drink alcohol if there is not some medical or psychological reason not to do that.
Despite the hellscape, we must enjoy ourselves, or there is no point of being alive. Theoretically, you shouldn’t enjoy yourself any less right now than you would if we weren’t being sucked dry by these filthy Jews, because it is a fact of neurophysiology that your brain will constantly seek a predetermined balance no matter what your external circumstances may be. Not even making that up.
What that means is that despite the hell which exists in time, the moment always remains yours, no matter what. As long as you claim it. Claiming it is your divine right, and no one can stop you from doing it.

There is nothing truer than this:
“So I gave praise to joy, because there is nothing better for a man to do under the sun than to take meat and drink and be happy; for that will be with him in his work all the days of his life which God gives him under the sun.” -Ecclesiastes 8:15
Enjoy the BBQ and the fireworks and know that God gave you these things even in the time of the most ridiculous of all Jew idiocy and depravity.
Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin