India: Men Break in Mission, Gang-Rape 72-Year-Old Nun

Daily Stormer
March 14, 2015

But they're so good at doing computers and posing for photos!
But they’re so good at doing computers and posing for photos!

We need more of these cultures in our own country, because ours is so boring without the spice of life: gang-rape.


A 72-year-old nun has been gang-raped by bandits at a Christian missionary school in eastern India.

Up to a dozen attackers broke in at around 1am on Saturday before tying up several of the nuns on the premises.

The senior sister was raped as she tried to stop the men stealing from the Convent of Jesus and Mary School, in Ranaghat, West Bengal.

It is understood the nun was not taken to hospital until the following morning.

The woman is said to have been critically injured and has had surgery after the attack.

Father Dominic Gomes, Vicar General of Kolkata (Calcutta) Archdiocese, told Indian news channel NDTV: “After tying three of the five sisters, they entered the principal’s room and ransacked it, destroying property and taking money, a laptop and a mobile phone.”

It isn’t clear if this was an Indian nun or a foreign one (which would likely be White). Presumably at a mission school there would be a fair amount of White priests and nuns, but you would think the news reports would have to say it if it was.

Indians are some of the most filthy people on the planet.