India: Street-Shitter Arrested for Raping, Robbing British Tourist

What is a 48-year-old British woman doing in Goa?

Oh yeah, “finding herself.”


BBC News:

An Indian man has been arrested for allegedly raping and robbing a British tourist in the western state of Goa.

The woman, 48, was attacked around 4:00 local time (22:30 GMT) on Thursday as she was walking to her hotel from a railway station, police told PTI news.

The accused is a man from the southern state of Tamil Nadu. He fled after also taking three of her bags.

Goa is one of India’s top tourist destinations and its beaches attract thousands of foreigners every year.

The woman is a regular visitor to the state. Police said she had been going there every year for the last 10 years.

Police were able to track down the suspect with the help of CCTV footage from the railway station as well as the area where the crime occurred, according to the NDTV news website.