Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 30, 2015

We’re just giving away this country to whoever the hell wants to come and claim it.
Mexicans still dominate the overall composition of immigrants in the U.S., accounting for more than a quarter of the foreign-born people. But of the 1.2 million newly arrived immigrants here legally and illegally counted in 2013 numbers, China led with 147,000, followed by India with 129,000 and Mexico with 125,000. It’s a sharp contrast to 2000, when there were 402,000 from Mexico and no more than 84,000 each from India and China. Experts say part of the reason for the decrease in Mexican immigrants is a dramatic plunge in illegal immigration.
“We’re not likely to see Asians overtake Latin Americans anytime soon (in overall immigration population). But we are sort of at the leading edge of this transition where Asians will represent a larger and larger share of the U.S. foreign-born population,” said Marc Rosenblum, deputy director of the U.S. Immigration Policy Program for the Washington-based Migration Policy Institute.
Well, with a guy named Marc Rosenblum lining up the bulls, I’m sure they’re going to work this out so as White people don’t get completely screwed.

Here’s Marc’s bio, from Migration Policy Institute:
Deputy Director, U.S. Immigration Policy Program
202-266-1919Marc R. Rosenblum is Deputy Director of MPI’s U.S. Immigration Policy Program, where he works on U.S. immigration policy, immigration enforcement, and U.S. regional migration relations.
Dr. Rosenblum returned to MPI, where he had been a Senior Policy Analyst, after working as a specialist in immigration policy at the Congressional Research Service. He was a Council on Foreign Relations Fellow detailed to the office of U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy during the 2006 Senate immigration debate and was involved in crafting the Senate’s immigration legislation in 2006 and 2007. He also served as a member of President-elect Obama’s Immigration Policy Transition Team in 2009. From 2011-13, he served on the National Research Council’s Committee on Estimating Costs to the Department of Justice of Increased Border Security Enforcement by the Department of Homeland Security.
Good to know people such as he are in charge of deciding our future as a nation.
It takes people like Rosenblum to convince these Indians to leave their diverse homeland and enter the racist hell of America.

Take Ishaan Tharoor, Washington Post editor, for instance. This guy left the paradise of India, simply to come lecture White people on how evil they are in the racist hell of America.
@ishaantharoor I hear that in India — unlike racist West w/ #Caucasians — serene promenades o' plenty! @stormer9k
— fin_lander (@fin_lander) August 29, 2015
Sadly, @ishaantharoor has blocked me. Please continue to ask him this question.
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 29, 2015
Sign the petition to make @ishaantharoor poop inside instead of on the sidewalk outside of the Washington Post office
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 29, 2015
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 30, 2015