Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 14, 2015

Despite the fact that we have an abundance of unemployed White tech-workers in America, as well as a new directive from Jesse Jackson to start forcibly hiring Blacks into tech jobs, the Republicans and Democrats are coming together to introduce bill demanding that the tech industry by flooded with more stinking Indian curry-apes.
The Immigration Innovation (“I-Squared”) bill was introduced by Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Chris Coons (D-DE), and the Jew Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), WSJ reports.

What is so amazing about this invasion push is that no one at all in America would be supportive of it if they were asked. With the Mexican invasion you have all of these Mexicans already here demanding we allow more of their countrymen in, and liberals have this “oh, the poor little Mexicans, their backs are all wet – let’s let em in to dry off.”
And then you’ve got the refugees, which the bleeding hearts support because “oh my God they are afraid of that war over there in some country I can’t find on a map.”
But no one is out there saying “yeah, we need more Indians to replace American tech workers.” The only people who would support this are multinational corporations who seek to fire their American staff and replace them with these dirty purple-shirted stink-weasels.
This is an ongoing program where the norm is for laid-off Whites to literally be expected to train their immigrant replacements. From top to bottom, it is a technique which exists for the sole purpose of displacing native workers with foreigners – there is not really even a pretense that it is something other than that.

But you wouldn’t know that from the insane statements these people are making – they are literally acting like they are pushing a bill to give cuddly puppies to laughing babies.
Senator Hatch – again, he is a “conservative,” for those who aren’t up on this – has claimed that the bill should serve as a gateway to further immigration legislation…!
“I’m calling on everyone — the President, members of both parties, and stakeholders in the tech community – to support this bill and help make it the first step towards real immigration reform,” he said in an announcement of his plot. “We must find make concrete progress to solve some of the many critical problems facing our nation. I-Squared is an obvious solution to an undeniable need, and I want to work with everyone to get it done now.”
What is the need, Hatch you filthy lying snake?

Last year, The Atlantic did a lengthy piece dispelling the idiot myth that there is some tech shortage, citing all types of different major studies.
From it:
A compelling body of research is now available, from many leading academic researchers and from respected research organizations such as the National Bureau of Economic Research, the RAND Corporation, and the Urban Institute. No one has been able to find any evidence indicating current widespread labor market shortages or hiring difficulties in science and engineering occupations that require bachelors degrees or higher, although some are forecasting high growth in occupations that require post-high school training but not a bachelors degree. All have concluded that U.S. higher education produces far more science and engineering graduates annually than there are S&E job openings—the only disagreement is whether it is 100 percent or 200 percent more. Were there to be a genuine shortage at present, there would be evidence of employers raising wage offers to attract the scientists and engineers they want. But the evidence points in the other direction: Most studies report that real wages in many—but not all—science and engineering occupations have been flat or slow-growing, and unemployment as high or higher than in many comparably-skilled occupations.
No serious person actually believes there is a shortage in tech workers in America, there is an obvious and well documented shortage in jobs. It is simply a fact. There is no room for debate.
These three Jewpublicans and Jewocrats know that, and they are simply lying, for the benefit of these massive corporations who want cheap Indians and damn the stench. The ratfaced Jew owner of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, has used his lobbying group to push for these massive increases in “guest-worker” permits, even as M$ is laying off thousands of Americans.

And of course the Jews support this, as they support any measure to flood White countries with subhumans as part of their sick social-engineering programs that no one other than Dr. Kevin MacDonald has been able to really explain.
Along with increasing the annual allotted number of H-1B visas (known as “Paki passes”) from 65,000 to 115,000, the bill would alter the student visa system, allow spouses of the Hindoos in and give them a right to work in the country and provide a “grace period” for these immigrants to be unemployed long term and presumably to receive welfare in those grace periods. It would also exempt from the quota people who meet such vague definitions as “persons with extraordinary ability” and “outstanding professors and researchers.”

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has noted that “a stunning 3 in 4 Americans with a STEM degree do not hold a job in a STEM field—that’s a pool of more than 11 million Americans with STEM qualifications who lack STEM employment.” Sessions cites the research of Rutgers public policy professor Hal Salzman, who has claimed that 100% of new hires will be “guest workers” if congress continues to increase the caps on this insane visa program, which would have devastating effects on wages.
“It is understandable why these corporations push for legislation that will flood the labor market and keep pay low; what is not understandable is why we would ever consider advancing legislation that provides jobs for the citizens of other countries at the expense of our own,” Sessions wrote to lawmakers in a plan for immigration policy. “Who do we work for?”

We all know who Congress works for, Sessions, you might as well just come out and say it. Though I suppose coming out and saying you work for massive international corporations who seek “pump and dump” America is accurate enough in this particular case.
This whole situation is off the charts nuts, and looking at it, it is simply incredible that these people are able to get away with this level of open criminality. They are literally destroying our country, right out in the open, in order to please billionaires, Jews and Jew billionaires. Has there ever been a system more corrupt than this, ever in history?
Why are these people not in prison?