Indiana Police Charge Dead-Eyed Coon with Shooting Death of White Man

Marcus Stone.

I suppose it’s kind of redundant to describe him as “dead-eyed.”

I mean, have you ever met a negro whose eyes didn’t look like soulless black holes brimming with primal malice?

Fox 59:

The Kokomo Police Department says they have charged a man for a shooting murder in December.

Police say they served a warrant on 21-year-old Marcus Stone, who was at the Howard County Criminal Justice Center on unrelated warrants.

Stone is facing felony charges of murder, attempted murder and robbery.

On December 9 of 2018, police found 50-year-old Keith Jewell dead from a gunshot wound in the 400 block of W. Monroe Street.

A short time later, police were dispatched to the 1100 block of N. Lindsay Street, where they found a 55-year-old man suffering from a gunshot wound to the face. He was taken to the hospital in stable condition.

The 55-year-old man told police that he was sitting in his car when a gunman opened the door and ordered him to exit the car and get on the ground. As the driver exited the car, the two got into a struggle, and the gunman shot him in the face. The victim ran to a nearby residence for help as the shooter stole the car and fled the scene.

Later that day, the stolen car was found just a few blocks away.

Keith Jewell.