Indiana: Latest Poll has Trump Leading by 15 Points

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 1, 2016


Big day on Tuesday.

The latest poll has GL at 49%, Cruz at 34% and Kasich at 13%.


Here are all the recent polls.


That one with Cruz leading by 16 points has been played up by the media, it’s the one with the earliest starting date – well before the collusion scandal as well as several other dirty tricks scandals Cruz was involved in. It also started before the New York win, when Trump picked-up momentum and became much more inevitable-seeming.

The more recent the polls, the better Trump is doing.

We’re going to win tomorrow and the establishment is going to have an even more difficult time trying to explain why Cruz and Kasich are still in the race.

But at this point, it doesn’t really matter if they stay in or drop out.

We’re going to get the 1237 either way.


(This is estimated)

There are 571 delegates remaining, we need 235.

That means we need only 41% to avoid a contested convention and get the nomination outright.

It’s going to happen.
