Indonesia Fails to Ban Faggot “Sex”! Shame!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer 
December 15, 2017

You’d think if anyone was able to stand up to Big Anal, it would be primitive jungle folk.

Globo-homo has spread its testicles across this planet – even influencing the primitive and full-Islam nation of Indonesia!

Was big analist money pouring in from Amsterdam and Tel Aviv???

Wall Street Journal:

A bid by religious activists to outlaw sex outside marriage and gay sex has been narrowly rejected by a powerful court—a rare recent victory for Indonesia’s moderate forces.

The court’s decision bolstered social liberals in the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation. Indonesia has taken a conservative bent in recent years, with the government cracking down on alcohol sales and banning some pornographic online content, as conservative Islam plays an increasingly important role in politics.

In a 467-page ruling against the petition Thursday, the Constitutional Court said existing laws covering adultery and gay sex don’t contradict the country’s 1945 constitution, and that it is beyond the court’s purview to make or revise laws. The court can annul regulations that run counter to the constitution.

Still, four of nine judges took dissenting positions. They argued that “homosexuality is clearly one of the sexual behaviors…that is extremely reprehensible before religious laws…and the living law.” They agreed the court should refrain from acting as a legislative body, but argued such restrictions don’t apply when a law reduces or opposes religious values or living law.

The petition, organized by the Family Love Alliance, a group of activists and conservative academics, had asked the court to expand articles on adultery and gay sex in the country’s criminal code such that all consensual sexual acts outside marriage would be outlawed.

See, I think combining it with “sex outside of marriage” might have been the deal-killer. That’s maybe a good idea in an ideal world, but it’s a hard sell. The laws should be separated and introduced separately. Surely, banning “gay sex” is possible in Indonesia. Most people would assume it was already banned there.

But if these people cannot even stop butt-blasting in their own country, I don’t know how they’re supposed to overthrow Israel and push the Jews into the sea. I can tell you that much.