Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
May 15, 2015

Raw army recruits are used to being poked and prodded, and directed to bend and squeeze body parts as a general requirement of fitness assessment. However, if you’re a wench and want in on joining Indonesia’s huge but crap armed forces, to pass muster you’re first going to require two digits shoved up your vagina to prove you’re not a slut, according to The West Australian.
See, it’s a Muslim army, and putting aside the surprising fact they even let females enlist to begin with, it is therefore only reasonable that those chosen warrior bleeders haven’t been banged in every orifice prior to their military commitments.
Virginity is essential to military service, if you’re in possession of a vagina, and if you’re loose of virtue then it wouldn’t matter if you could shoot off a match-head from ten miles away with a ball bearing fired from an old blunderbuss because it means you’re a woman of slovenly habits and that’s not a good thing for a killer.
Killing is one thing, but being a slut is a whole other deal, according to those who respect their god by praying with their asses shoved in his face.
It’s OK for the male of the Muzzie species to skip off, engage with, and spill their spicy jism inside anything with four legs and two horns. But womenfolk need their hymen intact because otherwise Allah will shiver with rage and in his fury evacuate his bowels with a force strong enough to destroy all humanity; or at least all Muslim humanity.
Yet, despite there being a sort of beautness to this practice, the big nose of some organized body calling itself Human Rights Watch, says this is something that needs the ref’s whistle blown upon it.
Its advocacy director, who is nobody in Indonesia, but someone that western media will quote with authority, describes the process as humiliating.
Nisha Varia whined, “The Indonesian armed forces should recognize that harmful and humiliating ‘virginity tests’ on women recruits does nothing to strengthen national security.”
Well, to quote Diane Keaton in Woody Allen’s very Jewish Annie Hall, “La-di-da.”
This would-be feminist cancer on Indonesian tradition then bleats, “President Joko Widodo should set the military straight and immediately abolish the requirement and prevent all military hospitals from administering it.”
But this carping floozy has gone and flustered the military hierarchy who when bothered by western media with questions about this examination quite sensibly explained that the whole hymen matter would rest on whether its absence, “… is due to an accident.”
Major-General Fuad Basya, interrupted during his meal of turtle soup quite reasonably responded, “We can still consider it, but if it’s due to another reason [like, the recruit was bonking every slanty-eyed jarhead who offered her a rice cake] we cannot accept her.”