Infowars on the Ground Reporting Reveals Pressing Need for White Sharia

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2017

Owen Shroyer has been going around triggering left-wing reporters by repeating milquetoast Alt-Lite/Liberal talking points. By now you’ve probably seen his videos already.

This one though is something else though.

Just by quoting MLK and talking about how great “muh Freedom” is, Owen makes these two idiot girls cry.

First things first. Look at how they are dressed. Both are in baggy, trashy outfits. The blond is the worst, wearing a shirt so long that it looks like a nightgown or something you wear as a child to bed. Short shorts hiked right to the cooch and so short you can barely see them peeping out from under the T-shirt, that’s a Freudian call to be tucked into bed by daddy if ever there was one. More than anything, it shows how ridiculous White women have become in the West. They use their freedom to march around like overgrown toddlers.

More observations.

The first White girl talking about “Brown Power” is clearly White and would be treated as White by the Third World horde despite the 1/8 Navajo admixture that she’s got going on that got her accepted into Libshit University.

The blond one is clearly a little child.

Neither of them can debate. Neither of them want to debate. They want to be part of the in crowd preaching Multi-Kulti and like, I mean like, you know like against hate and stuff. Getting confronted by anyone saying that they don’t buy their bullshit is like being told they’re ugly or something.

And then its time to start bawling for sympathy points. If the video kept rolling, it would only be a matter of time before a bunch of White Knights surrounded Owen and lisped him to death.

This is the absolute state of White women in the West. A strong back-hand and a ZFG attitude is what it will take to bring them to heel. Barring that, full-on White Sharia.

It all begs the question, where are /ourguys/ going out to these events, filming their interactions and getting gines wet by being racist shitlords? Why is Owen and Infocucks out there chatting up all the delusional sorority sluts?

Some of the best reactions I’ve had from girls were when I went full laconic Fascist on them.

A short story: I was at a bar in Tallinn with two shitlord friends. Two chicks overhear us talking about nogs and Moslems. They start screeching and “ohemgeeing” to show their faux-outrage. They ask me if I’m a fascist.

I tell them, “better a fascist than a faggot” and things went swimmingly from there.

Step it the fuck up, lads. Spread the word of the Stormer far and wide while teasing delusional college sluts.

Who said being a Nazi didn’t have to be fun?