Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 9, 2015

I am deeply shocked and saddened to report than a completely innocent terrorist female has experienced a breakfast of pure hatred.
She went into the Austin, Texas restaurant for an innocent meal free of INFIDEL PORK, PRAISE ALLAH.
What the victimized terrorist got was a mouthful of pure evil.
I blame Donald Trump, who neo-Nazis racist fascist haters on the internet recently branded “THE ULTIMATE SAVIOR.”
Two Kerbey Lane customers, Leilah Abdennabi and Sirat Al-Nahi, encountered racist comments from a diner while waiting for a table at the Guadalupe location on Sunday morning. According to Al-Nahi’s Facebook post, the man told the two Muslim women to “go back to Saudi Arabia,” and that if she had a gun, “just go ahead and shoot me.” They brought this up to management, who said they couldn’t do anything about it and seated the man instead. After confronting him inside the restaurant, Abdennabi and Al-Nahi left. The two women posted about their experience on Facebook and Twitter.
Will the goyim never learn?
Just because a woman is a terrorist does not mean she is a danger. Most terrorists are moderate. It is only 25% of terrorists in the United States that actively wish death upon White Americans. That means that there is a 3/4ths chance that any terrorist you meet is not actively plotting your doom.