Insane Guy Who Rushed Trump Hotel was a Porn Star

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 19, 2018

MK Ultra is real.

All of these strange events you are witnessing – they are all tied together by a deranged brainwashing program, designed to create chaos in society.

Or so I am starting to think.

Not going all in on that narrative, necessarily… but it is seeming more and more likely, is it not?

Miami Herald:

Less than a year ago, South Africa native Jonathan Oddi proudly posed behind a backdrop of an American flag, touting his new citizenship. “God bless the USA finally an American!” he wrote on Instagram.

On Friday morning, he unfurled the American flag inside the South Florida hotel owned by the nation’s president, then got into a firefight and chase with police while ranting about Donald Trump, Barack Obama — and bizarrely, rap mogul P. Diddy, according to law enforcement.

Investigators late Friday were still trying to unravel the motivations of Oddi, a 42-year-old fitness junkie and businessman who appeared to become unhinged while attacking the Trump National Doral Miami resort.

Oddi suffered police gunshots to the legs, and faces charges of attempted murder. Agents raided his nearby apartment to recover phones, electronics and other evidence that might reveal what led to the bizarre incident.

On social media, Oddi lists himself as a fitness instructor, real-estate investor and manager at Pegasus, a business dealing in minerals and gemstones. He also had a very Miami side job — about five years ago, he was a regular stripper for Dancing Bear, a South Florida website that produced videos of raucous staged parties involving women performing sex acts on male dancers.

“He was pretty laid back,” said one former dancer who performed alongside him. “He was a pretty decent guy. No real signs of anger management.”

Oddi lived a few miles away at a rental complex, 8100 NW 53rd St. He was born in South Africa and is of Italian heritage.

Porno stuff is always tied into weird shit.

Drug use, satanic stuff, sex trafficking…

Just sayin.

A look at his private Instagram account reveals scores of posts, most of them screenshots of news stories. Among them, accounts of singer Chris Brown being accused of rape, federal authorities pushing the death penalty for opioid dealers, and the downfall of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.

His other posts tout cashews as a natural anti-depressant, seek justice for abused puppies, and quote from figures such as rapper Notorious B.I.G. and Confucius.

He fawns over first lady Melania Trump: “#flotus rocks! She sets the example of mannerism. She counters Trumps aggressiveness,” he wrote in one post showing Melania Trump smiling in the White House.

Another post shows a Time magazine cover depicting Trump for a story about his troubles with porn star Stormy Daniels. “Reality is harsh,” Oddi wrote.

And in another post, Oddi blasts the United States for “giving $10.4 million every day” to Israel. “They have free healthcare and college. but we don’t because we can’t afford it!”


An anti-Jew post.

And Trump supporting posts.

From the insane guy who rushed the Trump hotel…


These people could be brainwashed to commit violent acts and then accidentally go live.

Or they could be on SSRI drugs.

Or it could just be that modern society – particularly the amount of technology and information we are exposed to, and the speed of life itself – could just be making people insane.


But I do know that things are weird and getting weirder.

And it’s going to get a whole helluva lot more weird before it gets less weird.

Strap in.