Insane Jewess Walks Around the Wailing Wall Naked

Due to centuries of inbreeding, the average Jew is a walking nest of mental illnesses.

Sometimes, those mental illnesses manifest as paranoia, such as when a Jew believes that a German will jump out of the bushes and lampshade him with his Medusa-like gaze. Other times, they manifest as obsessive compulsiveness, such as when an Orthodox Jew awakens each morning and performs six million rituals before breakfast.

Then there are cases when a Jew is so hopelessly inbred, so far gone, that he or she sheds the last vestiges of sanity and becomes a walking circus attraction. Israeli Jews are particularly susceptible to this insanity, and it looks as though we’ve found the latest victim of it.

Times of Israel:

A woman stripped off her clothes at the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Sunday and ran from the women’s section toward the men’s section of the holy site.

The 23-year-old, said to be a resident of the Jerusalem area, was quickly stopped and covered up by security personnel and guards, who then detained her, police said in a statement.

The woman was escorted away from the Western Wall plaza and was questioned by police. She will also be sent for a psychological evaluation.

“She came in clothed and at some stage took off her clothes. She seemed to be determined, as if she wanted to cause a provocation,” a witness told Channel 2.

“People started to scream and cry and when she started moving toward the men’s section she was stopped by force,” the witness said.

Police later detained her and said she was taken for a psychological evaluation.

Her parents told police that she suffered from mental health issues, Channel 2 reported.

Well… that’s weird. But not unexpected from these people.

I have noticed that Israeli Jewesses seem to lash out at their society more often than the male variety.

Remember that Israeli “performance artist,” Natali Cohen-Vaxberg, who reached international headlines in 2016 when she filmed herself shitting on the Israeli flag?

Here’s a photo of her Lovecraftian face:

Nothing in this image is Photoshopped. Think about that.

And let’s not forget about the recent “slut walk” in Jerusalem, in which hundreds of Shebrews paraded around the ultra-conservative capital telling Jewish men to not rape them or something.

The simple fact is that Jewish women are out of control, just like White women.

The big difference is that because Jews are already mentally ill in the first place, their insanity compounds to levels unknown by science.

And it’s really, really funny to watch.

Jews will destroy themselves long before they destroy us.