David Duke
January 9, 2014
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s continued pressure on Iran over that nation’s (mythical) “nuclear weapons” is the correct policy because that is how God treated the Egyptians in the bible, a leading Zio-fanatic rabbi has announced via the Israeli news service, Ynet News.
Writing in a new op-ed piece for the official Jewish news source, rabbi Levi Brackman, co-founder and executive director of the Colorado-based “Youth Directions” counseling service, said that the Jews “learn from how God dealt with Pharaohs in Egypt that it is important to keep up pressure in order to achieve a permanent change in behavior.”
His Op-ed piece, titled “Netanyahu is right, Torah says so” is a highly revealing insight into the Jewish Supremacist mindset which believes that Jews have been sent by God to bring order to the earth, and is known in Judaism as “Tikkun olam”, is a Hebrew phrase that means “repairing the world” according to Jewish dictates.
Rabbi Brackman argues in his piece that the “international community” must “take note of this timeless biblical piece of geopolitical wisdom”—namely that God punished the Egyptian pharaoh time and time again for allegedly daring to wrong the Jews.
Basing his argument on the biblical story of the Jews in captivity in Egypt (of which, it needs to be said, there is no historical evidence that this ever actually happened, and is a Jewish fantasy), Rabbi Brackman said that God sent ten plagues to punish the Egyptians, and that after the first born of each house in Egypt was killed in the “Passover” (another mass genocide of Gentiles which Jews still celebrate in their festival of that name) “Pharaoh did an about-face and let the Israelites go.
“What is intriguing about this story is that Pharaoh would have allowed the Israelites to go on his own volition at the end of plague six, but God hardened his heart and did not allow Pharaoh to exercise his own desire and free the Israelites,” Rabbi Brackman continues.
“If God’s desire was to get Pharaoh to comply and free the Israelites, why would he prolong the matter by causing Pharaoh to go against his own better judgment and not free the slaves?
“I suggest that God was using a technique psychologists call operant conditioning. If you want to discourage a certain negative behavior, one can use a process called punishment by contingent stimulation.
“This means that whenever the undesired behavior occurs, one introduces an uncomfortable stimulus, which when done a number of times results in an avoidance of the negative behavior,” Rabbi Brackman says.
“Even after Pharaoh had been forced to relent and to allow the emancipation of the Israelites, his underlying behavior and tendencies had not necessarily changed. He therefore required additional therapy.
“Thus God stepped in and hardened his heart so that through the use of punishment by contingent stimulation therapy and Operant Conditioning, he could make a change in the fundamental behaviors and proclivities of Pharaoh and the Egyptians.”
This then, he continues, is why “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants the US to keep the sanctions on Iran and potentially even increase them.”
Rabbi Brackman then goes on to repeat the well-known and completely false Jewish Supremacist lies about Iran—that it has a “government [which] has a tendency to support terrorism and terrorist organizations around the globe, while simultaneously threatening to wipe Israel off the face of the map, and building the capability for a nuclear weapon.”
In reality, it is the Zionist state which has a track record of promoting terrorism (see the Lavon affair, the attack on the USS Liberty, and many more); it is the Zionist state which has wiped the Palestinian nation off the face of the map; and it is the Zionist state which is the only nuclear-armed nation in the Middle East.
Ignoring all of this, Rabbi Brackman goes on to maintain the Tikkun Olam idea that only the Jewish worldview should prevail:
“We learn from how God dealt with the Pharaohs in Egypt, that it is important to keep up the pressure in order to achieve a permanent change in behavior.
“This will ensure that once the punishment by contingent stimulation is removed, the subject avoids the negative behavior on their own without the need for further punishment stimulus.
“I hope the international community takes note of this timeless biblical piece of geopolitical wisdom.”
Here we have once again a window into the mind of Jewish Supremacism: they truly believe that they have been sent by God to rule over all people, and that only their rules, laws and myths, should be divinely accepted as final.
It is the ultimate expression of supremacism, one which makes all others weak by comparison.
It is also one of the best reasons yet offered why it is so important for the whole world to understand that there will never be peace until Jewish Supremacism is brought to a fall.