Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 20, 2015
This is a video of Moslem children marching out of school chanting “Allah Akber” which translates into “Allah is great.” Allah is the god of Islam who demands that Moslems take over the world and slaughter their enemies.
Most of these little monkeys were born in the UK. They have been subjected to the same propaganda as the average native British child. And yet still, they praise Allah, and will grow up to seek the kingdom of Allah in the country they now reside.

The fact that there are more child Moslems than adult Moslems in the UK has not been thought through, and is not being addressed. These children are a ticking time-bomb, figuratively (and possibly literally as well).
The level of pure idiocy of bringing massive numbers of Moslems into Western countries is almost incomprehensible.
What is the theory? What are the possibly outcomes?
As far as I’m aware, there are only two possible outcomes:
a) Europeans submit to Moslem rulership, and
b) there is a war between Moslems and native Europeans
Why would either of these be a good option?
Is there some third option? If so, I have not heard it presented. These people will vaguely imply that we will all just get along indefinitely, but when you press them on the plausibility of this theory, they just call you a racist and refuse to continue the conversation.
Honestly, I am not aware of a single serious theory on possible social outcomes of mass Moslem immigration by any relevant liberal scholar. The entire argument seems to be “shhhhhh – don’t talk about it or you’re a racist.”
No, They Aren’t Going to Abandon Their Religion You Retards
To give the liberal invasion-advocates credit, they did sort of have a plan, way back when. Their idea was that these Moslems would integrate into Western society and adopt atheism, or at least allow their religion to become wholly secularized.
It is important to point out that they are not simply raving lunatics who purposefully destroyed Western countries. Or at leas they weren’t to begin with – now that this is all obviously wrong and impossible, the fact that they continue to support it does imply they are actual raving lunatics. But originally, they were given misinformation by Jews upon which they based their support for the invasion.

The original lie was that race doesn’t exist; this lie was promoted by the Jew Franz Boas. It is an obvious denial of biology, but was sold very hard and people bought it.
The secondary lie, which served to reinforce the first, was that social progressivism is a result, or otherwise directly linked to, technological progress. The origin of this is less clear, but it was clearly developed and pushed by Jews on one level, and on another level might have seemed intuitive when people saw that social and technological progress were happening at the same time. Anyway, the reality is that the two are in no way related, save that technological progress allowed for the memes of “social progress” – which would be better called “social decay” – be spread and pressed on the minds of the goyim.

Not to go too deep in here, but there was also the idea that somehow Darwinian theory led to Atheism, even while Darwin himself was a Christian and Atheism is not a logical conclusion of Darwinian theory. What is an obvious conclusion of Darwinian theory is racism, proving that obvious conclusions of scientific developments do not directly translate into social norms.
Along with this, the concept of feminism was linked to technological progress in that it was technological progress that allowed women to demand “independence.” They could work similar jobs to men – while not doing as good a job, they could fill a spot at a desk. Contraception also helped them divide themselves from their penis-having counterparts. Though it is true here that technology made it possible, it is not true that because something is possible it must happen.
Anyway, due to a number of different factors, the ideals of anti-Christianity, a lack of sexual morality, feminism and race-equality doctrine have been linked in the minds of the people with the advancement of applied science. As such, liberal invasion-advocates believed that if they could expose the brown and black hordes to these miracles of the modern world, they would abandon their barbaric ways and join the new future.
But this hasn’t happened. Though there are rare examples, it has not even begun to happen. And there is no reason it will ever begin to happen.

The reason they keep their religion is that their religion is an aspect of their racial make-up. It is a bonding mechanism, whether they actually literally believe in it or not, and a system which defines and justifies their natural behavior patterns.
Due to their racial make-up, they have no desire to adopt our systems. They have shown that they literally have zero interest in our systems. They like certain technologies, of course, but as far as social or ideological concepts, they have absolutely no interest. We have put the hard sell on them, we have attempted to indoctrinate them, and it doesn’t phase them. They just keep on doing Islam.
And the problems with Islam in the West are many. Firstly, it not only does not contain the same morality as Christianity or post-Christian secularism, it its morality is in direct opposition to our own, which necessitates conflict. On the point of the treatment of women, as well as the treatment of animals, we see direct conflict.
Moreover, Islam is a total doctrine which must rule wherever it exists. There is no place in the world where Islam is a minority system and not in the process of attempting to become the majority system. India had to literally cut gigantic pieces off of itself in order to deal with the Moslem problem, as they realized there was no point at which Moslems would stop attempting to take over the system. Islam is a social order, a government, a legal system and a religion. Religion is almost the least of what it is, really.
Dimensions of the Islamic Child-Trafficking Crisis
The biggest reason that no one in the mainstream is addressing the Paki child-rape and trafficking crisis with any seriousness is that they have no idea how to address it. There is, of course, no politically correct way to address it.
The most politically correct way to address it is as a failure of White police – the Sargon of Akkad theory – but the idea that normal people will drug, rape and traffic little girls if the police don’t stop them from doing it is clearly deranged, and comes across as so stupid that it implies racism to even present it as the explanation.

Secondly, it can be explained as an issue of the way Islam views women, but then this just means that Islam is a problem and you have to do away with Islam, so that is politically incorrect. Some of these people have tried to explain this away as “well, Islam doesn’t really say this…” (Sargon also tried that), but it is simply a fact that Islam does say it. So we are left with no comfortable way of addressing it.
The reality is that it is a program of warfare with the end-goal of conquest. Yes, it does relate to how they view women in their religion, but it is specifically how they view non-Moslem girls. It is allowed for them to kidnap them and use them for sex. The reason this is allowed is that it demoralizes the enemy to see their children getting raped by the enemy. Along with this, they create a new generation of children who then have a genetic connection to the conquering force.
We cannot “tackle” Moslem child-trafficking gangs because we refuse to acknowledge the most basic reality of this situation: we are at war with Islam. We have brought a hostile people into our countries, and they are taking us over, replacing our systems with their own.
This is what Islam does. It conquers other systems and replaces them with itself. This is what it has done all throughout history.

The best metaphor for understanding this is to look at Islam as a piece of software which runs on the biological computers of the lower races. And it is very good software, in that it organizes them in such a way as they are capable of total dominance of their enemies. This is why they don’t abandon it. We have abandoned our neurological software – Christianity – and this has made us weak and feeble, easy targets for hordes of stone-cold conquerors.
But again, we cannot, in our minds, separate the idea that technological development leads to a progressive transformation of the social order, and so we believe that these Moslems, having been exposed to our technology, must have somehow changed their mind about the way things work. In reality, their mind is exactly the same as it was just a couple hundred years ago, when they were actively invading us. So we just cannot believe that they are still actively invading us, and that the name has just changed from “invasion” to “immigration.”
A Gigantic and Horrible Mess
The entire situation could not possibly be any more horrible and stupid. Literally, it is mind-boggling in its scope. All of these people who desire – on a mostly subconscious level, probably – to conquer and subdue us completely are inside of our base.

I understand that calling for the deportation of millions of people sounds ridiculous. Believe me, I understand that. But what other option do we have?
In all seriousness, I will ask once more:
What are the options?
Please take note that this piece was written, in large part, for those unfamiliar with these concepts. Please share it on social media, in the comments section of YouTube videos (such as those of Sargon of Cuckad) and wherever else.