Intellectuals Take Note: The Stormer Troll Army has Achieved Numerous Victories Against the Jewish Enemy

Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
November 13, 2014

A salute to the courageous freedom fighters of the Stormer Troll Army.  Your bravery exhibited during Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch will not soon be forgotten.

I am pleased to report that the Stormer Troll Army has achieved numerous victories against the Jewish enemy.  After the disgusting Jewess Luciana Berger a British MP used her political power to get a young British nationalist named Garron Helm jailed because he called her a Jewess on the Internet, the Stormer Troll Army took decisive action.  With military precision, the Stormer Troll Army under the command of Daily Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin launched Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch against the Jewess.  They bombarded the Jewish bitch with thousands of messages explaining in no uncertain terms that her subversive and alien behavior would no longer be tolerated.

Berger along with some of her Jewish and Zionist allies in the British parliament cried many tears about Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch, even prompting a discussion about it on the floor of the British parliament.  A British MP by the name of John Mann pathetically responded by calling for speech restrictions and the banning of alleged online trolls from the Internet.  He would also demand that MPs be given a special communication system so they could quickly report mean things said about them on the Internet.  The absurdity of his suggestions were not lost on the general public.

The situation has received so much publicity in the British press, that Twitter intervened on Berger’s behalf.  Twitter went so far as to setup a special filtering system as part of a futile effort to shield the criminal Jewess from receiving more messages sent to her by the Stormer Troll Army.  Despite Twitter’s attempts to thwart the assault , the Stormer Troll Army has adapted utilizing innovative techniques to continue their operation against the Jewish enemy.

Twitter’s intervention in censoring communications has caused an even bigger blow up within the mainstream technology community.  The story has now reached the front page of “The Verge” which is one of the most visited technology sites on the Internet.  “The Verge” asks fair but tough questions about Twitter’s intervention.  It specifically questions why Berger is being given special treatment by Twitter since their action is unprecedented in the history of the site.  Twitter has historically prided themselves on being an open communication platform and this is a clear contradiction to that.

Just a few years ago during the Arab Spring, the Jewish mass media praised sites like Facebook and Twitter as tools that empowered revolutions against allegedly corrupt governments.  However, now that these tools are being used to expose the hypocrisy of a criminal and alien Jewess, we see Twitter go out of their way to stifle freedom of expression.  The technology community has taken note of this with the Electronic Frontier Foundation issuing statements in “The Verge” article supporting the Stormer Troll Army’s right to free speech and accusing Twitter of unethical behavior.

It is true that Twitter as a private company has the right to censor speech but in doing so they have exposed themselves as hypocrites.  If they are truly running an open communication system, why is it that they don’t want open communication about Jewish power?  Why are they attempting to make this Jewess immune from criticism and ridicule?  It begs the question, what is it about Jews that are so special?  The fact that these questions are being asked in the mainstream represents a major victory for us.

There is no question that the Stormer Troll Army has achieved not just one victory but several key victories against the Jewish enemy.  First with Operation: Jew Wife against kosher conspiracy traitor Alex Jones and now with Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch against Luciana Berger and Britain’s Jewish establishment.  The Jews and their supporters simply don’t know how to handle a strong unapologetic anti-Jew, pro-White message.  They’ve become so used to people groveling about how they are not “racists” and “anti-Semites” that it should be obvious that they have no clue how to handle this situation.  They are in panic mode as they are making themselves look increasingly stupid in their attempts to respond.

Intellectuals need to take note of what has happened here.  The time for pontificating about how we should reach people is over.  This is the approach we need to take.  I don’t see how any individual can deny the effectiveness of these tactics.  Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch is now causing legitimate debate in the mainstream technology community about Twitter’s credibility.  This is a remarkable achievement.

A similar approach the Stormer Troll Army is taking online can be taken in the real world with signs, banners and fliers.  I think Robert Ransdell’s Senate campaign proved this.  Even the “With Jews We Lose” signs I posted in New Hampshire caused the Southern Poverty Law Center to make fools out of themselves with a ridiculously inaccurate blog posting on the campaign.

Most importantly, we need to make sure that these campaigns both online and in the real world are as fun as possible.  It is true that this is a serious political battle but there is no reason why this can’t be fun at the same time.  In fact the more fun we have with these campaigns, the more effective they will be.  Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch is proof of this.

It looks as if this is just the start of something that’s going to grow into a much larger political movement so be creative, have fun and contribute in any way you can.  I can guarantee that you will enjoy watching the enemy cry six million tears from an operation that you personally launched or joined.  This is what it is going to take for us to succeed, and if we are persistent, we will one day achieve total victory over the Jewish enemy.