Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 1, 2014

A recent comment on Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch demonstrates that intelligent people understand our strategy and it is only low-level fake intellectuals who imagine they know better than we vulgar peasants.
Here is the whole thing:
I had mixed feelings about this for a while, but I’ve ultimately come to the conclusion that Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch is a good idea. I have a few reasons for thinking this:
1. It makes the enemy look silly. They’re throwing people in jail for saying mean things, and they’re trying to completely ban people from saying mean things on the internet – an obviously impossible task. They may be able to make things marginally more difficult on the British Isles, but they cannot control what Americans and others do – and they look silly for trying.
2. It shows Jews acting as a bloc to push unpopular laws that benefit them and only them. People aren’t used to seeing Jews exercise power as a group in a very self-interested way. Jews usually find some shabbos goy to be the face of unpopular “what’s good for the Jews” initiatives, or hide their self-interested behavior behind high-minded moralism. This whole episode makes them look to the average person a little bit like a hostile elite. Which is exactly what they are. They’re usually too calculating to show their hand so openly, but this troll campaign appears to have made them angry.
3. I don’t really see what the downside is. What are they going to do – pass laws that let them throw people in prison for making supposedly anti-Semitic remarks? They already did, which is what this whole episode is about.
4. It keeps this in the news. Most average folks don’t like what Helm (or the Stormers) said, but they definitely don’t approve of throwing him in prison for it. It would be good for the Jews if this whole episode just kind of blew over. A brief display of Jewish power – just enough to keep in the back of the Goyim’s mind, but not so much he really notices – and then back to normal. This troll campaign keeps people thinking about it, which is good for us and bad for them.
Keep up the good work.