Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 9, 2014
Here a guy “trolls” a pro-White Reddit by posting something completely unfunny as part of a pursuit not of lols but of social justice.
I remember the days when trolling was funny, and was about purposefully pissing off enemies which are oppressing you with social justice.
Back in the days of #FilthyJewBitch. Those are the times I remember. The good old days. When men were men, women made sandwiches and trolls were funny and against things, instead of supporting the government and Jew media. Also everyone wasn’t a faggot who apparently thinks he can get girls to like him by being some caricature from a romantic comedy on YouTube, and instead they were hardcore skinheads with swastika tattoos and gun collections and crap like that.
/r/white rights reports that they didn’t actually notice the trolling.
Unlike when we trolled Berger, that hook-nosed bitch actually demanded the government shut down Twitter.
Ah, those were the days. The golden age of trolling.