Into the Weird: Manchester Police Unveil New Pervert-Friendly Rainbow Patrol Car

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
July 19, 2014

Pride in your race? No, pride in masturbating in another man’s faeces.

Instead of concentrating on the huge amount of Non-White crime in Manchester and particularly the many rapes of White schoolgirls by Muslim monsters, the Police there have decided that it is far more important to protect Sodomites from the rightful ire of scandalised members of public that resent seeing two men buggering each other outdoors.

In order to reassure the degenerates that they may continue flouting the laws of nature with impunity, Greater Manchester Police have unveiled their new pervert-friendly patrol car.

This vehicle has been spray painted in garish rainbow colors in the hope that it will put the faggots at ease and reassure them that the Police are there especially to protect them, rather than to prosecute them for crimes against morality as they had in the past.

The car is apparently an example of ‘modern policing’ – whatever that is. Since 52% of all reported crimes now go unsolved it obviously has nothing to do with pursuing justice, but everything to do with ensuring that crimes against God and nature can go ahead unpunished.

The new pervert friendly patrol car, with ‘lets end hate crime’ and ‘pride’ painted on it. Instead of encouraging people to report crimes, it just encourages them to report ‘hate crimes’, because as we all know, ‘hurt feelings’ is the most serious crime of all.

Daily Mail:

It is a city which has been described by its own police as ‘too dangerous’ to go out in after midnight.

So a few eyebrows were raised yesterday when Greater Manchester Police revealed the latest tool in its crime-fighting armoury: a rainbow-coloured patrol car.

Resplendent with multi-coloured flashing lights instead of the traditional blue, the ‘rainbow car’ is intended to combat homophobic hate crime.

The brand new Hyundai has been condemned as ‘tacky’ by gay rights campaigners.

It will lead the city’s Pride parade in August before being put into operation in suburban areas to raise awareness of homophobic crime.

The car, funded by donations from businesses, will not be sent to hate crime incidents, instead it is intended to reassure victims that police are approachable.

David Allison, of the gay rights group OutRage!, said he doubted whether the ‘rainbow car’ would help victims.

He added: ‘It may be a bit tacky from an aesthetic point of view.

‘At least it will draw attention to a police car in a particular vicinity, so it will heighten visibility which will help deter potential wrongdoers. But I can’t see it going further than that.

‘If it is indicating that police are trying to take the issue more seriously, and this is their PR way of advertising that, then fair enough.

‘But I don’t know how successful they will be – it’s not going to revolutionise the worst parts of Manchester.’

Asked at the launch whether the rainbow-striped car could be viewed as patronising, Sir Peter said: ‘It would be patronising if we weren’t doing a huge amount of other things to work with the gay community and to fight hate crime.

The car also has flashing multi-coloured disco lights instead of the usual lights.