Invader Disease Threatens Athens

The New Observer
April 23, 2016

Five mayors of Athens’ coastal suburbs have warned that the thousands of nonwhite invaders camped nearby pose an “enormous” health and “violence” risk to the surrounding area.

In addition, hundreds of invaders per day are still crossing the Aegean Sea from Turkey—and the pace is picking up, despite the €2.3 billion already given to the Turkish government.



“The conditions are out of control and present enormous risks to the public health,” the mayors complained in a letter to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, in reference to the camp at Hellinikon, the site of Athens’ old airport.

At least 4,153 nonwhite invaders have been housed there ever since the Balkan states closed access to the nonwhites, none of whom are in any shape or form “refugees,” and who should never have been let into Greece in the first place.

“The number of people is much higher than the capacity of the place and there are serious hygiene problems,” local mayor Dionyssis Hatzidakis told the media.

He and his four fellow mayors from the area cited a document from Greece’s disease prevention center KEELPNO warning of the “the danger of disease contagion due to unacceptable housing conditions” at the site.

At least 53,000 nonwhites are now “backed up” in Greece since the Balkans invasion route was closed down.

Instead of just refusing them entry, the far left Greek government has allowed the nonwhites still landing on the islands to be transferred to “temporary centers” such as the one at Hellinikon, until more permanent “reception centers” can be set up.



Hellinikon, the site of the “termporary” camp.

The five mayors also voiced their disquiet at the “tensions and daily violent incidents between the refugees or migrants,” calling on the interior minister to boost police numbers in the area.

“We are launching an appeal for help to protect the public health and security of both the refugees and the local population,” they said in their letter.

Meanwhile, the much-vaunted “EU-Turkey deal,” which was supposed to repatriate all the invaders back to Turkey, has proven to be the flop that all realists expected it to be.

Since the deal came into force on March 20, only 325 invaders have actually been returned to Turkey. Even when the process is supposed to be “fully functional,” it is only expected to process some 200 invaders per day—a drop in the bucket of the never-ending millions aiming at entering Europe.

At the same time, the International Organization for Migration said that “arrivals in Greece in recent days” were rapidly increasing once again.

Despite all of this, the European Union’s executive, the European Commission, will present its third Turkey visa-liberalization progress report on May 4.

If, in that report, it shown that Turkey has fulfilled 72 criteria to bring that country into compliance with EU and international law, a legislative proposal will be put forward to transfer the country to the EU’s visa-free list.

If that should occur, all 78 million Turkish citizens will gain visa-free travel to the Schengen zone—allowing them to legally join the mass invasion of Europe, where they have already established significant beachheads in Germany and elsewhere.