Invasion USA: Two Thirds of Illegals Overstayed Visa Rather Than Jumped Border

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 11, 2017

Well, this is information that I have been aware of for a while which has not been discussed publicly hardly at all.

We need to shut down the visa system for all third-world monkeys of every stripe – and the spotted ones as well!

Miami Herald:

Among an increasing number of immigration cases in Miami federal court, the ones that stand out are foreign travelers accused of making false statements in their visa applications in an effort to hide previous visits when they overstayed their visas.

At least five new cases of visa overstays appeared in court dockets in the last few weeks, coinciding with the publication of a new report that says foreign nationals who remain longer than their visas authorize now outnumber undocumented immigrants who cross the border illegally.

The report from the Center for Migration Studies (CMS) in New York says that since 2007 a majority of undocumented immigrants in the United States are the result of visa overstays, not illegal border crossers.

The paper finds that two-thirds of those who arrived in 2014 were admitted (after screening) to the United States on non-immigrant (temporary) visas, and then overstayed their period of admission or otherwise violated the terms of their visas — a trend likely to continue,” according to a CMS statement.

This is something that people just don’t know.

They think every Mexican they see waltzed in, when in fact many of them flew in on planes. Also, many, many non-Latinos are doing this. Africans, Arabs – every form of undesirable on the globe knows that if they can get a temporary visa to the US, they’re here for life.

Well, no more.

Another example of a shocking immigrant fact that most Americans are unaware of is that the biggest part of the immigrant problem is legal immigration. Way bigger issue than illegal. All of these refugees and H1-B monkeys.

We have to lock this place down like a reverse prison and we have to do it quickly.