Iran Blames America for Arabs Raining on Their Parade

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 23, 2018

Obviously, some US supported country did fund this attack.

But how stupid are Iranians to have a Wizard of Oz move used on them?

They’re making all these threats, but then they have a parade through an Arab neighborhood and don’t have enough security to recognize that some of their soldiers are Arabs pretending to be soldiers?


Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said Sunday that an unnamed U.S.-allied country in the Persian Gulf was behind an attack on a military parade that killed 25 people and wounded nearly 70.

Rouhani did not identify those behind Saturday’s attack, which was claimed by an Arab separatist group. He could have been referring to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates or Bahrain — close U.S. military allies that view Iran as a regional menace over its support for militant groups across the Middle East.

“All of those small mercenary countries that we see in this region are backed by America. It is Americans who instigate them and provide them with necessary means to commit these crimes,” Rouhani said.

Saturday’s attack, in which militants disguised as soldiers opened fire on an annual Iranian military parade in Ahvaz, in the oil-rich southwest, was the deadliest attack in the country in nearly a decade. Women and children scattered along with once-marching Revolutionary Guard soldiers as heavy gunfire rang out, the chaos captured live on state television.

The region’s Arab separatists, once only known for nighttime attacks on unguarded oil pipelines, claimed responsibility for the assault, and Iranian officials appeared to believe the claim. Iran summoned diplomats from Britain, Denmark and the Netherlands early Sunday for allegedly harboring “members of the terrorist group” that launched the attack.

The purpose of this attack was to make the government look inept to the people of the country, and it probably worked.

If the regime hadn’t banned the Wizard of Oz, they would have seen this coming.