Iran Blocks Holocaust Confirmation Website

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 6, 2015


While all across the Western world, Jews are pushing for the outlawing of “Holocaust denial,” Iran is cracking down on Holocaust confirmation.

Jerusalem Post:

The Iranian government has continuously blocked a Persian-language website dedicated to educating on the Holocaust, the US Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor said in its 2014 annual report on human rights practices.

The website, called the Aladdin Project, is a Paris-based NGO launched in 2009 to preserve the memory of the Holocaust and provide information in Persian on the Shoah and Jewish-Muslim relations.

Offering content in Turkish, Arabic, English, French, and Dutch on top of Persian, the project was launched under the sponsorship of UNESCO in order to promote intercultural relations and curtail ignorance, particularly amongst Jews and Muslims.

The Iranian Fars News Agency referred to the website in 2013 as the bearing of “international Zionism,” created “to recognize the Zionists’ fabricated narrative about the Holocaust, which will enable them to present the creation of [Israel] as both legitimate and necessary.”

Though I think people should be able to say what they want to say, it certainly makes more sense to outlaw confirmation than denial of this stupid hoax.

It is a shame we can’t solve the matter once and for all in a public debate, wherein both sides present their evidence. So far, the Jews have presented absolutely no physical evidence proving or even indicating mass gassing of Jews by Adolf Hitler, saying that we need to simply believe it because Jews said it. They have repeatedly claimed to have such evidence, however, and I think it is time they came out with it.