Daily Stormer
June 20, 2014

Iranian Army Chief of Staff Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi claimed Wednesday that Israel created and supports the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.
“ISIS is Israel’s cover up for distancing the revolutionary forces from Israeli borders and creating a margin of security for the Zionists, and the Zionist media have also admitted this fact,” he said, Fars News Agency reported.
ISIS recently took areas in northern Iraq.
“The only way for the Iraqi people to overcome this problem is unity, resistance, and suppression of these modern-day ignorance fighters,” added Firouzabadi.
Meanwhile, the commander of Iran’s Basij force, Brig.-Gen.
Mohammed Reza Naqdi, said on Wednesday that recent attacks by ISIS are part of a new US plot.
“The scene they have created in Iraq is the result of the United States’ behind-the-scene attempts to sow discord and they are certainly the main mastermind of these events,” said Naqdi, Fars reported.
Clearly, this is a logical position for Iran to take, as it discourages people from getting involved with the agenda of ISIS.
Again, I will say that I have no dog in the fight between Sunni and Shia. I will support whichever Muslims have the ability to stick it to the Jews. So far, Shia Islam has held its ground, but not gained any. ISIS has gained an extraordinary amount of ground.
We will know soon enough if these conspiracy theories hold any water. I still believe they do not. ISIS purposefully separated itself from the fake Jihadists of the Jew-run al-Queda, and then did something that has been very damaging to US interests in Iraq and the Jewish agenda of the region as a whole. It seems to me that if I was Israel, I would be a lot more worried about ISIS than Iran. Shia Islam doesn’t even have the ability to draw widespread support from the masses of Muslims, as most Muslims are Sunni and hate Shiites.