Iran Pulls Missile from Launch Pad

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2017

Well, it looks like Iran is trying to chill.

That’s good.

I would like to see this deescalated.

Fox News:

Iran removed a powerful missile from a launchpad east of Tehran within the past few days, Fox News has learned, as U.S. and Iranian officials continued trading public barbs about the Islamic Republic’s missile tests.

The Pentagon is concerned because Safir missiles use the same components as those needed for an intercontinental ballistic missile. Iran’s ballistic program has “expanded dramatically” in the past 10 years, a senior U.S. defense official told Fox News.

New satellite imagery from Feb. 3, obtained exclusively by Fox News from ImageSat International and verified by U.S. officials, showed Iran preparing a Safir for launch. That missile is the type Iran has previously used to put a satellite into space.

It has been two years since Iran has launched a Safir into space, according to officials. But there has been a flurry of activity on an Iranian launchpad that U.S. officials have been watching closely, since the launch of a ballistic missile from the site last week.

In a surprising about face, Fox News learned Tuesday morning that Iran’s missile had been removed from the launchpad. It was not immediately clear why.

It’s immediately clear to me why.

They don’t want to mess with Donald Trump.

Trump has every reason to be cool with Iran, and these people come out and start launching missiles. Why? It’s just stupid. Assad is cool, Russia is cool, everybody is cool except for Iran.

I mean, I understand that Trump has spoken negatively of Iran, and said they are a big funder of terrorism, which is a statement I don’t agree with. But why would they then try and prove that statement correct by getting all aggro?

They could easily have said “congratulations to Mr. Trump for winning the Presidency, we look forward to meeting with him.” Instead they start testing missiles.

So, very good they’re backing down.

I wish they would cancel their march in my country, because that just – that really makes me angry.

I mean, look at what this guy is saying.

Times of Israel:

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Tuesday warned the US not to threaten Iran with sanctions, saying American President Donald Trump’s brow-beating would see a response in the coming days.

“Trump says fear me! No. The Iranian nation will respond to your comments with a demonstration on the 10th of February,” Khamenei said in a speech to military officers in Tehran on Tuesday. “They will show others what kind of stance the nation of Iran takes when threatened,” he said.

Khamenei also told the officers that Trump had revealed the true colors of the US.

“We are thankful to this gentleman… he showed the real face of America,” Khamenei said.

“What we have said for more than 30 years — that there is political, economic, moral and social corruption in the ruling system of the US — this gentleman came and brought it out into the open in the election and after the election.”

He referred to the case of a young Iranian boy who had been held at a US airport following Trump’s ban on visas for citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, including Iran.

“By what he does — handcuffing a 5-year-old child — he shows the true meaning of American human rights,” Khamenei said.

Yeah, see – there’s that.

“We have a human right to come to your country.”

If I was a tin foil guy, I’d say the leadership of Iran is working for Israel to provoke Trump into doing what Israel wants him to do.

That said, I don’t think there is any chance at all that Trump is going to go to war with Iran. But just this back and forth is totally unnecessary, and it could easily be avoided if Iran just acted normal and tried to make deals.

Hopefully, canceling the launch is a sign they’re ready to take a chill pill.