Iran Says It’s “Showing Restraint” to Prevent Israel from Starting Regional War

Well. This is a lot of restraint.

And their restraint is not going to prevent Israel from starting a regional war. If Iran refuses to respond, Israel will just blow up a ship and say Iran did it. It’s not difficult to do.

Maybe it is more difficult now than it used to be. I remember when Mike Pompeo sent people to attack a Japanese ship when the Japanese were meeting with the Iranians. The media and Pompeo blamed the Iranians for the attack but the Japs were like “that doesn’t seem to be what actually happened…” The Japs never blamed America, but it was obvious what they were implying. Then it just disappeared from the news. People probably don’t even remember it.

So maybe these false flags are more difficult these days, because of the technology, but I promise if Israel wanted to create a casus belli for a war with Iran, they would do it.

The Guardian:

The Iranian president, Masoud Pezeshkian, has said Tehran has shown restraint so far in its response to the Israeli assassination of the Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh because it believes Israel has been trying to lure it into a regional war.

Pezeshkian, a reformist who was elected unexpectedly three months ago, was speaking at a wide-ranging and unprecedented two-and-half-hour press conference in which nearly half of the questions were from foreign media.

What Israel has done in the region and what Israel tried with the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Iran was to drag us into a regional war,” he told reporters. “We have exercised restraint so far but we reserve the right to defend ourselves at a specific time and place with specific methods.”

Masoud Pezeshkian

It remains a matter of debate whether Pezeshkian, who has a frank, consensual style, has access to the real levers of power or the political will to transform Iran’s relations with the west. But his use of a large international platform and often unpretentious direct manner suggests he is a new and unpredictable element in Iranian politics.

He did not rule out the possibility that Iran may have sold short-range ballistic missiles to Russia, saying no sale had occurred during his presidency but he could not speak for whatever had been agreed by his predecessor, Ebrahim Raisi. “This has not happened in our time. I won’t go into what happened in the past. It is a possibility. There is no prohibition,” he said.

Under questioning he denied that Iran had sent any missiles to Houthi rebels in Yemen, after the claimed firing of a hypersonic missile at Israel on Sunday. Pezeshkian said it was hard enough for people to get to Yemen from Iran and asked how could a missile go to Yemen unseen.

How restrained is Iran going to be, then? Are they now not going to defend Lebanon? Israel is saying every week they are going to invade Lebanon, and Iran has said they will defend them. Obviously, that will provide a place for Israel to escalate into Iran.

The war can’t be avoided. It doesn’t matter who “wins” the US election. Israel has decided on this war, and the US has no way to prevent it. The US policy is that they will defend Israel no matter what war they start. The US even defends Israel when they attack Americans. They will always defend them.

This is already decided. The only way it doesn’t happen is if Bibi is somehow removed from power. Otherwise, it is going to happen, and there is nothing Iran can do but try to win the war.