Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 16, 2015

There are Jews in Iran, and these Jews are supportive of the Iranian government.
There is even one Jew MP in the Iranian parliament – Siamak Moreh Sedgh. He recently did an interview with al-monitor, wherein he had some very interesting things to say.
On the insane Cotton open-letter:
As a member of the Iranian parliament, I think it was unfortunate that this letter was sent. It is unfortunate that representatives of a country that thinks of itself as the greatest country in the world suffer from lack of general knowledge. We should tell the American public to be more careful with their votes. These senators have no idea about international laws, and they are apparently not familiar with their own constitution either! The people who composed this letter are not even slightly familiar with international laws and relations.
The nuclear negotiation is not between Iran and the United States, it is between Iran and the P5+1 [China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States plus Germany]. Aside from the United States, there are six other countries involved in these negotiations. It is surprising that these senators have allowed themselves to interfere in the diplomatic relations of other nations and have questioned the legality of the treaties concluded by the president of the United States.
Their letter is not worthy of a response. For the Iranian members of parliament, this was more of a joke than anything else. These senators are not the representatives of the American people, they are the representative of the warmongers who become anxious whenever they think of peace and stability in the world. Like demons, they constantly encourage war and violence. Mr. Obama needs to make it clear to these people that they are out of line.
Inside Iran, we shouldn’t really pay any attention to this letter. We have always had a stable foreign policy and never sacrificed our national interests because of partisan politics. Unfortunately, some of these American neo-cons are so interested in warmongering and defending gun factory owners that they sacrifice their own national interests for the sake of Zionists.
On Netanyahu:
What is going on inside Iran is not comparable to what has been going on in the United States during the past few months. Netanyahu is the source of all these activities. When a political figure like Netanyahu, who does not have a good international reputation, is invited to give a speech in front of the US Congress, then it is not surprising that following his speech such a letter is composed by US senators. Their letter questions the validity of all the treaties concluded between the United States and other countries. If this were really the case, then no country could ever trust another country in the world. If the strategic goals of the United States can change this easily, then there will be no international stability.
I don’t like to be associated with Mr. Netanyahu. Mr. Netanyahu is not the representative of all the world’s Jewry.
On being Jew in Iran:
But regarding Iranians and the Jews, the way the Jews were treated in Iran, especially during the Islamic period, is exemplary. Jewish Iranians lived comfortably in Iran during the Islamic period. During the darkest times in Jewish history in Europe, such as the Middle Ages and World War II, not only did Iran remain a safe place for Jewish Iranians, but it also became a refuge for some of the European Jews who fled Europe.
Today, we can see the gravestones of Jewish clerics, in places such as Yazd and Kashan, who had immigrated to Iran during the Middle Ages. In the Jewish cemetery in Tehran, there are a lot of gravestones belonging to Polish Jews who fled the Holocaust during World War II and immigrated to Iran. As a Jew, I proudly say that today the safest synagogues in the world are in Iran. There is no synagogue in Europe that does not require special security. This is not the case in Iran, and historically it has never been the case either.
There are a whole bunch of different things going on here. Firstly, this is representative of a split in the Jewish mind, wherein many Jews desire the Jewish machine to chill out and allow Jews to continue to live as semi-peaceful parasites on host populations. We see this same thing with many American Jews who are fed-up with Netanyahu’s insane behavior.
It is important to understand that while every Jew is guilty of being a Jew, and will presumably always be a nuisance, they are not always the world’s foremost problem, and sometimes remain a mere nuisance.
What is especially interesting to me is to compare the relationship between the Iranian leadership and their own Jew population with Russia and their relationship to their Jew population. Though some conspiracy theorists might go so far as to claim Iran is secretly controlled by Jews, they would be a very small minority, yet Putin is constantly accused of being a shill for the Jews because he has a working relationship with a portion of his Jew minority (while also standing against the global Jew agenda and arresting criminal Jews in his own country).
Jews in Russia have denounced the Jews running the Ukraine in the same way this Iran Jew is denouncing Netanyahu. I am not so naive to believe this is done out of anything other than self-interest, but we do see that Jew self-interest can, in certain situations, coincide with national self-interest.
I personally do not agree with having a Jew minority. If you are going to have one, the situation in Russia, where they have their own sovereign territory – Birobidjan – is the only logical way to do it. In Iran, as in Russia, the Jew population is manageable because they are not in control of anything.
Keep this situation in mind when thinking about Putin’s relationship with Russia’s Jews.