Iranian Lawmaker Accuses US of Kidnapping Malaysian Flight

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 19, 2014

They look and do not find.
They look and do not find.

I missed it when it happened, but last week an Iranian parliamentarian accused the US of kidnapping the Malaysia jet to create a crisis between China and Iran.

From NYT:

On Tuesday, an influential Iranian lawmaker accused the United States of having “kidnapped” Flight 370, saying it was an attempt to “sabotage the relationship between Iran and China and South East Asia.”

The parliamentarian, Hossein Naghavi Hosseini, who is the spokesman for the foreign policy committee, responded to the news on Tuesday that two Iranian nationals had been traveling on the missing flight holding stolen passports. This accusation was a “plot,” Mr. Naghavi Hosseini said, according to the Tasnim news agency.

“Documents published by the Western media about two Iranians getting on the plane without passports is psychological warfare. Americans recruit some people for such kinds of operations so they can throw the blame on other countries, especially Muslim countries,” he said.

As I have said, I think something like this could have happened.

We now know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the Jews were responsible for the 9/11 attacks, which they used as a justification for their wars against the Muslims which have cost us trillions of dollars and done nothing but destroy a bunch of people’s lives on both sides.  Oh, and make a bunch of Jews rich and “safer” in their terrorist “State.”

I don’t know what the percentage chances of this Malaysian jet having been kidnapped by the Jews is.  But as it drags on, it seems more likely than not that it is the case.  Other options are becoming less and less likely.

The flight recording devices were destroyed, which means that someone did this on purpose and knew what they were doing.  If it were actual terrorism, it would have to be a situation where something went wrong, because the only purpose of terrorism is to show that you did something.  There is no secret terrorism.

All the footage we see on TV as we are on the brink of war with Russia is about this stupid plane.  It is very, very convenient.  And it could also be used for the dual-purpose of eventually blaming it on the Iranian passengers.

So, I am not going to fully endorse this theory.  But right now, it appears to be quite plausible, in that it is the simplest explanation based on the facts we presently have.

Give us your thoughts.